mystery illness not responding to treatments

The daylight hours are short here at the moment (about 7 hours), so it's really only been 4 or 5 times per day, so 360 - 450ml.
If he's tolerating the fluids well, try tubing 120 ml warmed fluids now, then repeat that in 60-90 minutes if his crop is clear or mostly clear. Can you do that?
@Waterfaery, did you cut open this cecal pouch or did it rip open on its own?
Great! Let me know how it went.
Thanks so much, I appreciate your help.

I gave him the two rounds of 120ml spaced 90 mins apart. I checked his crop throughout and gave him the last part very slowly and he took it no problem. However, about 10 minutes after the second round he started regurgitating some water from his beak. He has also produced quite a lot of water droppings this morning.

Would you advise continuing with that? I might go with a bit less, maybe just over 100ml until I hear from you.
Any cecal poop yet?
Thanks for checking in. I haven't seen any normal droppings of any kind yet, I'm afraid. They're all still very liquid. It's hard to tell if any of them are cecal droppings because it's mostly mush but there are definitely more droppings than before and more than the one who died.

The good news is that he has started eating and drinking himself. Shortly after my last post, he ate some food for the first time in a week. Now, for the past two days he has had a huge appetite. He's also become a lot more active and difficult to catch. His wings are still very droopy but he's standing a bit more upright and is a bit less ruffled.

I think he's had enough of being handled and is really stressed by it. I was thinking about slowly weaning him off the fluids now that he's eating and drinking but I'm not sure if that's a good idea with his droppings still being so loose. He's certainly still not ok and I'd hate for him to regress but I wonder if reducing that stress might actually be more beneficial for him now. What do you think?

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