Ancona Ducks

We have Anconas and Cayugas. We bought our Anconas from a farm in Georgia last year. We bought straight run and wound up with 6 females and 8 drakes. We love our Anconas, they are prolific layers and right now we have 20 of their eggs in the incubator, starting to candle now and looks like fertility is decent. We had to separate 3 of the drakes with less desirable markings to save the poor susies from being overwhelmed. We will hopefully have ducklings for sale in about 3 weeks and would be willing to sell fertile eggs also.
just an update... i did a quick candling while the eggs were in the incubator.. after 7 days all eggs are fertile and have veins.. one of the 11 eggs is hard to tell if the veins are dead or still alive because there wasnt as much as the others and i didnt want to take them out and disturb... i guess time will tell!
just an update... i did a quick candling while the eggs were in the incubator.. after 7 days all eggs are fertile and have veins.. one of the 11 eggs is hard to tell if the veins are dead or still alive because there wasnt as much as the others and i didnt want to take them out and disturb... i guess time will tell!
beautiful!!! awwwwww!!

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