anybody raise sprouts to feed the chickens?

Split peas will not sprout.. They are split..
However they are very good for the chickens! cooked or raw.

Beans of all sort should not be fed raw.. They must be cooked.....OR I am 99% positive that sprouting does away with the anti nutrients found in raw beans.
(Just sprout them real well, like in the cool picture posted.)

Sprouts are yummmy...


Since the time I started this process I have read somewhere, that most beans as well as most bean sprouts should be cooked before you eat them. Pinto beans were listed among the bean sprouts that humans should not eat without cooking. I think I am going to stick with sprouting grains that I know are already safe for the chickens to eat, and not count on the sprouting process to remove toxins. I will certainly sprout corn and wheat, because they are grown in abundance where I live.

Side note
Does anybody know when you buy bean sprouts at the store, what kind of beans those are sprouted from?

I here what you are saying on the beans.. I am not 100% on what is good and what is not in the world of beans...

I am a pea guy..

I trust the advice on this site:
(They are suggesting pintos are cooked after sprouting. That says a lot to me..)

I sprout lots of wheat.. I tried corn but it is nasty IMO for sprouting.. You have to wait forever with lots of nasty smelling water rinses..
I only sprout wheat, oat and BOSS for the chickens..
(Which stlill produce plenty of stinky water in a 5 gallon pail for 26 overwintering birds....)

Have been doing the sprout thing for over a week now and the girls love it, they eat every last scrap. Then I tried the fermenting thing.................... not so good. Tried it for the girls who hate it, and me I think I poisoned myself actually
it tasted fine, but my stomach is sooooooooooooooooo not happy!!!!!!
Stick to sprouting and fermenting soft, red wheat. When you start out, just have a little bit at a time so your system can adjust to the new 'good stuff'. Too much at once can cause you to 'detox' really fast as your body expells toxins. Its OK, just not very comfortable.

I have never been a fan of legumes. If you can't eat it raw, you usually have to really cook it a lot and add something else (like rice) to get any proper nutrition out of it.

Even though I consume many probiotic/live food items...Some times moderation is best...I listen to my body not to my mind when consuming...

When you get the right balance though it is absolutly spectacular... (Super charge your body.) Even for the chickens it is best to go slow and let them adapt and adjust to dietary changes.

IMO that is what is so flawed with so many "studies" Abrupt change of diet for a few months and that is it.... IMO natural is a slow and easy process....

Again I personally have never sprouted a single bean..


Even though I consume many probiotic/live food items...Some times moderation is best...I listen to my body not to my mind when consuming...

When you get the right balance though it is absolutly spectacular... (Super charge your body.) Even for the chickens it is best to go slow and let them adapt and adjust to dietary changes.

IMO that is what is so flawed with so many "studies" Abrupt change of diet for a few months and that is it.... IMO natural is a slow and easy process....

Again I personally have never sprouted a single bean..


Organics North; You know I like 'all things healing'... I went to a little 'Healing' museum in San Christobal, Mexico a couple of years ago. It was facinating. Behind the museum, they had a garden of the actual plants growing that were (and still are) used in healing. Most of the plants were used to purge the body of toxins quickly. Many of them made you throw up or have diarrhea. Very different from the 'lets make it all better with drugs that make you feel good that you have to take FOREVERRRRR'! I could have spent days there....
Right now I have an 'aquarium garden' that I have spinach, collards, tomatoes and a few other things in. My flock gets some of the spinach & leftovers of the rest of what I grow. I'm the only one that eats the spinach, so they get more of it than anything else. They love the treats!
The chicks loved the first batch of sprouts. We ran out (I wasn't paying attention to how much was left).

The second batch was ready this morning and lasts two days... so I started another batch today, and will rotate batches so they will get some every day.

We got our second egg today. The first one was soft and was already broke when my wife went out to check. This one is in one piece.

We got the birds from my friend two weeks ago. I figured it would take them time to adjust before they would start laying again.
I love that picture of grass! I have grass envy this time of year. We're about to get more snow again, a foot or so. The chickens are so bummed once the snow hits. At least the dogs like playing in it.

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