MG Certified hatcheries/breeders?

I got my production hybrid reds from Vega Farms in Davis, CA. They're great! :)
Good option for those in CA, unfortunately they don't do mail order at all so you have to have them delivered or go pick em up.

But it's worth it for MG clean birds!!
I just wanted to let you know we have ordered birds and most of our original birds came from Ideal Hatchery all healthy and clean. Great customer service and the total is given before you pay. We got our games from them too.

The birds that brought the MG into our flock came from a nearby NPIP farm. There were six birds we kept them separate for 3 months, after mixing them with our flock we had terrible weather(tornado) and that is all it took for the MG to become symptomatic. It was a violent strain of MG and spread rapidly.

Most people that are part of the NPIP program do not know about MG or that they can go on a MG testing program.
Most people will say we're NPIP so we're tested for everything. NOT TRUE
NPIP is a great program but only test for Pullorum/Typhoid and in some states AI.
When we contacted the breeder he didn't know what MG was, when we described it and gave him info, he said "oh, that's what that is? I thought they just had a cold"
He will not have testing done because he will have to shut his business down til it's cleaned up.

The good news is chickens don't die from MG! MG is world wide. The threat is to the commercial industry.

We also had some birds from Welp, (through a dealer) we wouldn't use them again.
The problem with mg is if people don't stop the spread all wildlife birds will have it. I just had to kill all 115 of my birds due to an infected client. She had sick birds. If people do not know chickens can not get colds then they have no business breeding and selling them. I'm working on getting my farm 100% mg free again. I will be starting over. Just so frustrating that people don't get that MG can and will eventually kill out the birds. It lowers the hatch rate and fertility. That's why it is so important people test. If you know someone has it report them. If the poultry of your state won't do anything call fish and game. They will because turkey are very disputable to it and they do die.

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