Wanting some peacocks - What are the negatives


12 Years
Nov 27, 2009
hobart indiana
I'm thinking about getting a few peachicks. Friend thinks it's a bad idea. I have a pen (140 x 40). Do males call all night? Are males aggressive with each other? Anything else I should know. I do have chickens and turkeys.
Here is my summary:

Birds are LOUD during mating season.
Males will fight during mating season. Some don't experience this, I do, even in the large flight pen. I think if you have lots of males together you are alright. Three or four and you are going to have problems.
They require a lot of space, although anyone who can keep them and does not have at least one or two free ranging yard birds is missing out in my opinion.
Do require more intensive health maintenance either through nutrition or treatment if kept penned.

Don't eat as much as chickens.
Cool as heck.
Easy to sell extras.
Did I mention high cool factor.
There is nothing like having company come up the drive and get out to a couple of monster size peacocks checking them out. Especially if they fly over for the greeting. There is NOTHING like a full grown peacock with a 6-8 foot train flying over to you.
I love my peafowl, wouldn't trade them for anything...want to let you know of one important con: my male just began attacking my car this breeding season and I had to pen him for a week to break him of the habit. I would say don't get them unless you live on at least an acre unless you keep them penned all the time as they will go straight to the neighbor's yard likely. I gave one to a friend, they raised him by himself and this year he hopped the fence and pecked their neighbor's little girl who was trying to feed him. They unfortunately had to give him up.
Thanks for your input. I'm going to give them a try. I'm on 2 1/2 acres, woods on 2 sides and farm field behind. Just hope they won't go across the street to the neighbors. I would hate to have to keep them penned.
Noise. They scream like a crying baby and the noise will travel a long distance, so any neighbours might be angry.

That is the only con I can think of.
Thanks for your input. I'm going to give them a try. I'm on 2 1/2 acres, woods on 2 sides and farm field behind. Just hope they won't go across the street to the neighbors. I would hate to have to keep them penned.

You will HAVE to pen them initially to home them and if the neighbors are right across the street, they should probably be homed for a good long time!
Not many cons but some I suppose
The call. Although I personally don't mind at all and really quite enjoy the exotic sound, even find it soothing.
Free range you will have some losses, it's just bound to happen. If your neighbors are that close, the peafowl WILL go for a visit. I don't own a more inquisitive bird. They must know where you are and what you're doing. If they can see it or hear it, they must check it out.
I have never experienced an overly aggressive pea but have heard that others have. I have found that penned birds tend to be more aggressive and nervous than free range birds.
They will get on vehicles, they seem to think that they are there just for them to jump on.
Mine also seem to feel like they must be the Alpha of any flock no matter what species. I also have turkeys, chickens and Muscovy's and the peas must be in charge of everyone.
But believe me, their beauty personalities far overshadow any cons.
There are no ugly Peafowl.

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