Turkey eggs


11 Years
Dec 25, 2008
middle of nowhere Colorado
I have WAY too many eggs right now and WAY too many babies. If you're in Colorado please, please come take some of these poults off my hands. The older ones are 10 each and the batch just getting ready to hatch will be 7.
Anyway, I have Midget Whites. These turkeys come from Steve at SandS poultry and they have wonderful show stopping looks. You'd be proud to show, breed or eat any one of these birds. We're at 6800 feet so we're talking a very, very hardy bird here.
Then there's my Bourbons, my favorite of all my turkeys because they're so friendly and ready to help you with anything you're doing outside....whether you want them to or not. The female of this flock came from Porter via another Backyard Chicken friend and for some reason we have yet to discover this female and my mail order tom have been throwing only females. But this year we have a new Tom with the old Tom so perhaps we'll get some Toms this year.
Last but not lease we have our Bronzes. My boys came from Steve at SandS and the girls came from Porter. Now Kevin convinced me to take a step back in the evolution of Bronze turkeys so the females are Silver Wing something or other but when mated back to a Bronze the females will breed purebred Bronze. The males from this first year hatch will not breed true but if you're looking for a meat bird or some really beautiful birds to add to your flock these are for you.

Oh, I also have the most beautiful Cochins in the world so if you want Cochin eggs let me know-they're two bucks each.

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