Throwing up?

Thank you! We are looking right now, we are for sure getting goslings and maybe two ducklings this upcoming spring, do you think he will be able to watch over them, or will he bully them?
Well, he´d be better off having company asap, but he´ll most likely be ok with goslings come spring, as he´ll be adult by then. But hopefully he´ll already have his own gal for company.
As regards ducklings, so many have problems with ducks and geese...I wouldn´t recommend it. Best to keep them separated if you decide on ducks. Geese are very gentle normally with tiny ducklings, but as they grow, geese don´t have the same patience and the peace and quiet that reigned can disappear......
Oh then maybe I'll skip on the ducks, I do like geese better anyways! I've been looking for a female Toulouse goose or Pomeranian or Embdem goose close to his age but so far I can't find any females.
Oh then maybe I'll skip on the ducks, I do like geese better anyways! I've been looking for a female Toulouse goose or Pomeranian or Embdem goose close to his age but so far I can't find any females.
Ask around the feedstores, sometimes they know of people who have geese and may be able to help. My feed store knows I have them and sometimes send people up here.

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