Go on, admit it... Do you talk to your chickens?


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Premium Feather Member
8 Years
Jun 28, 2011
I chatter away to mine all the time, when I'm pretty sure no-one but my family who's used to my craziness, is around. My habit did land me in some awkward spots over time though, like the other day when I walked round the garden to collect eggs from my very free range hens' not-so-secret-anymore nest. On the way I walked past my cockerel and told him in my best sing-song, baby-talk voice "Hell-o BIG BOY!" and walked slap into one of my MIL's guests who's staying long term in her B&B at the moment
It was a watershed moment...
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Oh yeah, I talk to the biddies all the time! I think they like the interaction, and since I work from home, I know I enjoy the company.
My flock really responds to my voice too. I can be sitting out on the back porch quietly reading and watching them forage (love chicken TV!), and they will be out in the yard minding their business. But if the phone rings and I start talking, they all come running! They've done this since they were chicks.
All the time - they are some of the best conversation I get all day (which is saying something since at least 75% of my work day is spent talking to people)
I talk to my beauties all the time. They respond with a low cluck if I call them to me, and they follow me when I say the word 'scratch'. Such smart gals they are! Much better than the people I speak with on a daily basis.
Oh, I am always talking to my birds! I think I talk to them more than any human around here. Ha! And my birds listen too! Some of them have learned their names because I am always talking to them. I will just chatter away and I think they enjoy hearing me talk too. Something reassuring to them when I am talking.

And the fun thing about this is they talk back!! I have a couple that will answer me when I get down in their faces and ask them how they are today....I will get a couple of clucks and grunts back at me. Hopefully they are not saying, "Would you please get out of my face"!

They have even learned a few words related to the treats I might be packing too. They know the word "buggies" (meal worms) and "I got goods" (sunflower seed and raisins..yes I know...poor language here. Ha!). Very smart birds!

Love my babies!
I talk, sing and chat with my birds all the time. I don't go out there without saying anything. They always look at me and cluck back. You'll never find me not talking to my girls!:)

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