Identity crisis!


5 Years
Oct 19, 2014
We received 16 chicks from a hatchery in April and most of them are laying now except this one...We ordered 3 BO, 3 EE, 3 Welsummers, 3 Dark Cornish, 3 SL Wyandottes (an our "free exotic chick" who may have been a polish was DOA). We lost a total of 4 chicks and culled 3 birds at 18 weeks. Based on the lil chicks we lost and what we culled, we know this hen is not a SL Wyandotte, Welsummer, BO, or cornish. We think it might be an Americauna but it isn't bearded and it has wattles. It's earlobes are also pale--not pink or red. So needless to say we are confused and can't wait to see what she lays. Anyone have any input on the breed of this pretty gal? Thanks BYC!

From a hatchery, I'd say probably an Easter egger. There have been lots of clean faced birds recently. That's a funky comb, for sure, and it will be interesting to see what color eggs she lays.
I don't know, ee's seem to have expression like a raptor, your bird has nice eyes. At risk of alienating ee lovers, I would say yours is too pretty to be one.
I don't know, ee's seem to have expression like a raptor, your bird has nice eyes. At risk of alienating ee lovers, I would say yours is too pretty to be one.
You can pretty much always tell, when someone posts "I have this bird that looks like a hawk..." that's going to be an Easter egger, isn't it?
She is definitely a hatchery EE. "Easter Eggers" are simply a bird with any blue/green egg laying genetics. She has a combination/pea comb and green legs, both tell-tale signs of a mix from the Araucana/Ameraucana gene pool, although at this point somewhat dilute. While muffs (fluffy cheeks) are common, they are not obligate. And she does have some tuft-like feathers curling out from her ears around the back of the neck which are inherited from the original Araucana genes.

As her comb is a bit large, and she has yet to lay, there is the possibility that she is a hermaphrodite. Essentially a bird with both sex chromosomes. While this is rare, it is a possibility. However, I don't see any pointed hackle feathers or sickles toward the tail so I would guess that she is just a bit slower to mature due to her mixed heritage as some breeds can be as late as 9 months to lay their first egg.

All-in-all I think she is super cute and would put my money on you getting a nice green or olive egg from her within the next month or so.

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