Pet Rooster has to go.

A woman trying to keep her Rooster.
This is me. Thank you so very much for your support
I posted in a different forum earlier today but think it might have been in the wrong forum.
I hope you don't mind if I copy/paste the article Dillon Pilorget wrote for me in the Oregon live/ Forest grove leader? I've included some facts as well.
My roo is a sweet little guy and lost his mate. He is not ready to go yet. There is only one woman targeting him out of 20 other neighbors.
Again, Thank you

Thought I'd share. It's been a long road but I have learned much. needless to say, I am sad for my little roo because he is still sad. He's not ready to go yet!
Just a couple things I wanted to ad to the article. I feel this was decided before it began. I picked the CAD (911 call log) report up the evening before trial. I was shocked to notice this neighbor had continued to call AFTER I had rehomed the sultans...3 days, 8 days, 10 and 13 days after. I presented this as proof she falsely filed police reports. The Judge acted as if I was talking a foreign language. I presented material including case law indicating unconstitutional vagueness in regard to the noise ordinance itself, citing the potential for arbitrary enforcement for the police and judges that is potentially a violation of the due process clause. I also brought up, among other things an insert the city includes in our water bills, a newsletter if you will, from May where they said in large print, ROOSTERS BANNED IN CITY LIMITS! Truth is, there is no rooster or chicken ordinance in this city. Only a broad noise ordinance which says "no animal is to make any noise at any time that can be heard beyond property boundary..thats when this neighbor went into full steam.. I'd like to point out. There is only ONE (1) neighbor who complains. I'm retired and home enough to keep him out of mischief;)
My rooster's physical wounds are healing but he is sad. I am sad for him. He misses his mate! He is grieving for his mate. He would be content to sit on my lap all day if I let him, but I encourage him to hang with his ladies too and become the confident rooster he was before the hawk attack.
He's not ready to go yet. The police asked the judge to give me more time. She refused. They asked her not to impose fines, as you will see, she is going to anyway. I wish I had the means to appeal but I don't. If you will read my story, then go to a follow-up called 6 perspectives and to the right, you can vote. I'd appreciate it if you would consider voting.
Lastly, I'd like to thank Dillon Pilorget of the Forest Grove Leader/ Oregon Live. He is a young, fresh out of college Journalist who gave this story a great deal of his heart, not to mention his time. He never treated this like 'just another chicken story' he asked lots of questions, was eager to learn and displayed a great deal of compassion along the way. he is a man with a good soul! I was happy for him as we left the courthouse together to be greeted by the television people. I am told this story is all over twitter, the AP posted it and it has been picked up by ABC news.
Dillon, run with this kiddo, you deserve the best!

Best to all of you. As always, I appreciate your never ending support
Your welcome, it's outrageous the judge is fining you that much! Unbelievable! What about dogs barking all the time? Do they make people get rid of their dog? I voted for you, is there still a chance you will get to keep this pretty guy? Very sorry about the loss of his mate hope he continues to heal.

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