distended abdomen

  1. J

    Water belly/egg bound

    Good morning, I have a sick hen and don’t have access/lack of availability to a Veterinarian clinic. She has been isolated from the group after noticing her looking lethargic. She has a distended stomach, it is now red, not passing eggs or poop, and had yellow fluid come out of her mouth when...
  2. Sentience

    No symptoms but....

    My Buff Orpington is very lethargic and is having trouble balancing. Comb is red, I’ve checked and always do for any skin issues, insects, etc and nothing. Checked internally for a possible broken shell and nothing. She hasn’t laid in a few months. She is 8+ Years old but was fine 10 days ago...
  3. Independence

    Help needed diagnosing illness in hen

    I have a 3 year old Java who is obviously not well. Here are her symptoms: Lethargy, content to sit in a nesting box all day Unable to walk or painful to walk Tight abdomen - feels like a tight water balloon Was not eating regular food and had bile-like poo Now eating small amounts of sweet...
  4. Coleridge Ranch

    Hen death mystery?

    We are losing a hen every few months to the same pattern. Upon falling ill they've all died in less than 12 hours. I've seen many questions about similar symptoms, but we haven't found the resolution. Hope someone can help. We have 12 hens of various ages and breeds, no roosters, in a backyard...
  5. K

    Nutrition and Maintenance Care for Sick Chickens.

    Yesterday after 3 hours at the Vet office deliberating between euthanasia and treatment- I chose treatment option with a re-evaluation at the Vet's office in 14 days. Abigail- my 14 month old Australorpe has a distended abdomen and secondary respiratory infection. The x-ray showed masses in...
  6. leighks

    Any luck with surgery??

    My sweet barred rock has an oviduct impaction we have been medically managing (with a vet) for almost 3 months now, but we are getting to the point where a decision has to be made. Surgery would fix the problem, but the procedure is very invasive. I’m concerned if she would make it through...
  7. C

    Chicken is unwell and has very swollen abdomen

    Hi, I look after 11 chickens, 1 rooster and 4 geese (they are not mine). I am in Australia. 2 chickens are unwell. First chicken is a dark grey chicken, we'll call her Charcoal Chicky. She is a large-ish chicken. This is the fifth day she has been unwell. On the first day I noticed she wasn't...
  8. kmb383

    Distended belly, not egg bound - please help!

    Daisy is a 2 year old Polish. She has been symptom-free until today. Yesterday, she was free-ranging normally and went to bed on the roost with her sisters + their roo. This morning, I let them out of the coop and, as always, everyone came running, including Daisy. I didn't notice anything...
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