
  1. MidlandChicks

    Name ideas

    Hi everyone, We recently got a few Easter Egger pullets and would love your help coming up with ideas for their names. Thanks! Here’s the names of our other chicks: Hazel Dolly Dixie Henrietta Stella Goldie
  2. The chicken nurd

    Anyone have weird nicknames for there birds

    Just curious cause I know I definitely do this does anyone Intentionally or unintentionally come up with nicknames for your poultry
  3. Joyfillednomads

    WE ALL know I can't be trusted at feed store... chicks, ducklings, etc

    Identification needed... mystery ducklings. .help
  4. Joyfillednomads

    WE ALL know I can't be trusted at feed store... chicks, ducklings, etc

    Identification needed... mystery ducklings. .help
  5. Miami Leghorn

    *POLL* Should a strain of chickens carry the breeder's name?

    OK guys. It is simple. Should the breeder that worked hard to develop a strain of chickens give his/her name to that strain to identify where it comes from: which breeder? We know it's done with Gamecocks. Why not in others? Especially when the breeder has developed something that no one has...
  6. prettylittlehens

    New to BYC! Help me name my farm!

    Hey y’all! I’m new to the site and still somewhat new to chickens as we’ve only had our flock for about 9 months. Anyways, I’m wondering if any of you can help me come up with a fun and catchy name for my farm? I hope to have everything up and running, so to speak, by spring and would love to...
  7. D

    Baby Names?

    Hello there! New here to the BYC forum but I've been reading for almost a year ❤ places like these have helped me a lot. I guess a bit of an introduction: I'm 22 from South Florida and looooove animals. I've always had a dog and lots of fish, the occasional reptile or small furry mammal, and...
  8. Phillisy

    Sebastopol Question

    It's been months of trying and failing, but I FINALLY got a Sebastopol, and will be getting 2 more in the next month or so! :celebrateSpring babies here I come. My new goose is approximately 3, has a thick neck, gorgeous domed head, and so far seems like the sweetest girl (I was worried getting...
  9. BarredRockMommy

    Mixed Breed Chick! Any guesses??

    Rescued this little thing yesterday. It is in treatment, so you don't have to comment about it's leg:) any guess on breed from this or wanna take stab at gender and test out your sexing abilities lol! It's only a couple days old and i know its too young to really tell, but though it would be...
  10. MelissaRose

    Name ideas anyone?

    Hi Everyone! I have a very sweet light brahma chick that needs a name. She is very friendly and loves to be held. If you post a name suggestion I will ad it to a poll so peeps can vote. Here is a pic: I can post more if anyone wants. Thanks in advance. ~MelissaRose *edited to fix typo*
  11. Tyson_chickens

    New Member Into Tyson_chickens

    Hello, I'm introducting myself as a new member on the backyard chickens. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am fairly new to chickens, however, my research is not haha. I've been looking up how to take care of chickens for a long time now and when I finally got my...
  12. KLIL

    Help Name My Cockerels

    Hi everyone, Help name my Cockerels. Vote in the poll or choose a name you like for my boys. Black Australorp Cockerel: JD or Monster (monster is an Energy drink that has a black can and since he ran away from me for 3 hours and I couldn't catch him) Rhode Island Red Cockerel: Gin or Willy...
  13. WildCHILD400

    Need a name!

    This is my new chick. I'm not sure about the breed but she also needs a name. Leave a name if you have one that fits her please!
  14. Revan

    Special chick needs a name!

    So, I have a little Cochin bantam chick that is in need of a name and I find myself grasping at straws for a suitable name. No idea of the gender, but any and all name suggestions will be considered. Now, this little peep is rather special. It hatched out from under a broody hen with several...
  15. |Aphrodite|

    Two new chicks, need help with names

    Today I bought two chicks from the store to put under my hen when her own eggs hatch, I got a buff orpington and a blue laced red wyandotte. I named my orpington Honey Bee, but I’m struggling with a name for my wyandotte, and other names for my chickens chicks might be nice(she is a welsummer...
  16. Ellie's Herd

    Cool, Corny, or Cute Pullet Names

    I have one Golden Comet Pullet and one Production Red (specific to Cackle Hatchery) and I'm having a hard time naming them. I've decided not to take pictures of them yet so they can settle in but I need cool, corny, or cute names for one golden colored pullet and one light red and white pullet...
  17. cluckkatie

    Chicken Names?

    I'm thinking of naming my hens after an herb or flower. Any suggestions? ;)
  18. RaptorChicken

    What to name this bantam?

    I have a Porcelain d'Uccle bantam-lavender cochin mix, and I need a name for her!( That's a mouthful!)I like Luna, but I already named a chicken Luna in the past, or maybe I would like a name like willow.( I will post a picture of her tomorrow, because it is dark out and she is sleeping.
  19. chicken4prez

    Chick names!

    I have two EE's and two white Silkies that still need a name! #1 EE (Probably a cock) #1 Silkie #2 Silkie The last EE is in my avatar :)
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