
  1. melcaara


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I'm not exactly new, but this is the first time I personally owned them and cared for them directly. My dad has had chickens on our farm since I was 11 (I'm 23 now) but I never did anything with them and we didn't make them friendly...
  2. J

    Can anyone translate?

    I can speak some chicken, but I do not know what this means. What does it sound like she is saying here? I thought it was "I want to lay an egg" but she makes this sound in the evening sometimes too. Anyone more fluent?
  3. P

    Broody Chocolate Orpington Hen

    I have a young chocolate Orpington that just got broody about a week ago for the first time, dumping in cold water did not work so do I need to put her in chicken jail if I want to break her out of it or will putting an ice pack under her to get her out of the nest box and blocking them while...
  4. Azaia

    Sexing Orpington Day Old Chicks

    So this is a silly question. In my defence, this is all very new to me. I have a blue roo x Cuckoo hen (black barred). I understand I would get black or blue females; and black barred or blue barred males. Seven chicks just hatched, is there any visual indicators that would make sexing the...
  5. nasber32

    About me!

    Hello from Canada. In June 2021, I got chickens. Right now, I have 3 beautiful Chickens named Francine (French Marans), Plumette (Lavender Orpington) and Bertha (Black Orpington). My favourite aspect about raising backyard chickens would have to be the bond I have with my hens. Eating their...
  6. DuckDuckPromise

    Don’t want to start a fight...

    But what is the difference between a Cochin and an Orpington? Praise The Lord, we have some beautiful chickens, but I don’t know what the difference is between these two. So? Let me know!!! Have a blessed day!!
  7. B

    Hello! Newbie here :)

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes! Picking up our new flock this weekend! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 0 - will have about 6 (3) What breeds do you have? Buff and lavender orpingtons, faverolles, Rhode island reds, and americaunas (4) What are...
  8. H

    How cold is too cold for outdoors?

    Hello! Beginner chick owner here. I've ordered some cold-hardy laying breeds specifically so that I could have my ladies out year round once they're fully grown (Buff Orpington, Barred Plymouth Rock, and Australorp). Before I get my chicks...how cold is too cold for them to be outdoors? I have...
  9. C

    Crowing pullet or cockerel?

    This 13 week old lavender orpington has started crowing! Apparently this is rare so maybe she is a he?
  10. zachcpierce

    Available for Rehoming - 6x Male F1 Crosses in Beaufort, SC

    I am aware that cockerels are a dime a dozen, but I wanted to make these boys available to anyone willing to rehome them. They were hatched out by a broody hen in our backyard, but the eggs came from a mixed flock of all pure breed hens and two roosters. There were two roosters in that flock...
  11. 0B94D4D6-3729-4534-AB41-F457522D11AE.jpeg


    Young Melody keeping an eye out for hawks.
  12. Azaia

    Help Needed - Dry, Flaky,Yellow Crust Comb and Wattle with Head Shaking

    Hello Everyone, I'm a new chicken keeper based in Southern England. I have Burford Browns, Legbars, a Maran and few Orpingtons. My young male Orpington was bought along with his flock from a single and reputable breeder. Though since ive had him he has had terrible sore looking dry flaky...
  13. S

    Hi! I’ve just joined 🤗

    I decided a couple of months back to add some chicken’s to my family. I googled different breeds to ensure a good fit. I fell in love with Orpingtons, and they suit us very well. After struggling to find any (other than day old chicks 3 1/2hours away- and being a newbie I wasn’t going to try...
  14. SeaChickens

    Pullets or roos? 10 week old EE and others

    Hi, Looking for some opinions on my chicks, they’ll be 10 weeks old in a couple days. Got them from My Pet Chicken as pullets. Daffodil - an Easter Egger Cookie - Speckled Sussex Blueberry - Barred Rock and Lavender - lavender Orpington What does everyone think? I am thinking all are...
  15. P

    First time Orpington owner here...

    I apologise in advance for yet another Cockrell or Pullet Post. I have hatched four Orpingtons that I bought from a reputable breeder. They are lovely and fluffy and everything I've wanted in an orpington although they are less affectionate than I thought...oh well. I'm currently unsure as to...
  16. C

    Help sexing chicks: lavender Orpington and polish

    Hi! I need help sexing my three new chicks: lavender bantam Orpington, mottled polish and white polish, all 4 weeks old. Thanks!
  17. S

    Lack of feathers on 6week Orpington

    Hey guys is the lack of feathers on this Buff at 6+weeks old an issue? Is there anything I can do to help her along Someone suggested vitamins in the water. Cheers for any help
  18. funkeke

    Results of buff orp rooster over lav orp hen?

    I'm new to chicken genetics and trying to learn. I'm curious about an unusual pairing. We received 4 Orpington eggs from a friend from a buff Orpington rooster over a lavender Orpington hen. I believe the hen was cuckoo barred. I say "I believe" because I can't quite confirm it from the photos I...
  19. Tmartin7711

    PLEASE HELP! hen injured leg

    Hi everyone! My lavender Orpington Spring hurt her leg on the right side. Not quite sure how she did it but she's limping and she is holding it up up to her body. Not sure what treatments to give her it's not broken to my knowledge but very warm. She is getting around and making noise But last...
  20. kurby22

    Breed Guess on Barnyard Mix?

    So I posted awhile back about these pullets (hopefully!!) and I’m wondering if they are filled out enough to see any telltale signs of possible breeds? They are now 10 weeks old. I have determined that the Mother was a Blue Cochin (LF) and we are guessing the fathers were either a Black Frizzle...
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