•• ADD YOUR COOP TO BYC •• ( formerly the Coop Page Contest )

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In Medium Coop Designs, cookinmom's coop is shown as imloulou's coop.

I know you asked for someone besides me to check but I'm still psyched over this and can't sleep yet, may as well make myself useful.

Thanks so much Dawn... you're a trooper!

Looks like I had posted Imloulou's Coop twice and once with the wrong name. I removed the wrong name one.

My eyes were seriously going cross looking at this stuff for hours.

Anybody else see anything that needs fixing?
I finally got my coop page up.


I hope it's ok. I have no construction pictures because we weren't thinking of posterity when we built it. Besides, I didn't have my nifty digital camera at that time.

Sorry to be coming in at the last minute, but I just got a satellite connection for my internet yesterday. There was no way I was going to try to upload those pictures on dial-up!

Jeanne in WV
Okay Everyone, we have a winner.....

Actually we have THREE WINNERS!

mac in abilene

While going through all the coops we were trying to choose the best one. When we noticed there were 10 that seemed to be the best we knew we had a problem (but a really nice problem to have)!

We whittled it down to 3 coop pages (another very hard task) and just couldn't pick a favorite so all 3 are winners.

Congratulations to the three winners, but even more congratulations to the BYC community for participating in such a fun project. Visit the coop pages of BYC and see the fruits of your labor and know that we've built the absolutely best coop pages anywhere!

Winners: Please email me with their t-shirt size and their address so I can send them some goodies?

To everyone else: Please continue to submit coop pages and other pages that we can add to BYC. In fact, we've got a breed pages contest going on right now too.
Nifty, I don't know how to provide a link to my Personal Page, since I only access it through BYC. (I don't have a website.) But I'd love to have my coop in with the other Medium Coops.
Buff Hooligans
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