Get your motor running...


Lost in the Woods
12 Years
Apr 16, 2007
Evening Shade, AR
DH and I have been wanting a bike for years. We've been talking about getting a second vehicle since we have 12 payments left on our truck.

2 weeks ago he comes home telling me about this "steal-of-a-deal" on a '99 HD 1200 Sportster. When he told me everything it had, I kinda rolled my eyes and had to wonder what was wrong with it for such a low price. I went to see it a week later and my chin hit the pavement. It was absolutely drop-dead gorgeous, chromed out to the max. We filled out the paperwork, not really expecting to get it.

Well, the bank told the shop owner/seller that I had better than average credit, put DH as the first signer, me as the second (I'm basically the co-signer) and DH drove her home last night!

I haven't gotten to ride yet as neither one of us has been on a bike in years. Soon as DH gets his "biker" back, you'll not keep me off it!

Here she is:


We went thru yesterday in a complete delirious fog just knowing that it was all a dream and kept expecting to wake up. I woke up alright, to the sound of that phat machine at 6 a.m. when DH left on her for work!

PLEASE: If you are going to reply to this thread ONLY to complain about how loud they are...don't bother!

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Welcome to the world of HD! One of the men at my work told me that he was selling his 2 year old bike because his wife was pregnant and she said to get rid of it. I called my husband (boyfriend at the time) and told him to go get a personal loan at the credit union for &4,500.00. He did as he was told. We rented a trailer and drove to my friends house and Chuck bought the 1982 HD fxrs sight unseen! It had just under 6,000 miles on it. We still have the bike 23 years later, and people are always asking to buy it. Can't beat the rumble in the driveway!
Speckled hen- Is that your lincoln in the background? Towne Coupe ? had one same color.

Used to ride, never HD always "rice burner" getting the itch to get another, but for some reason kids dont fit in with riding bikes, so I have a huffy 18 speed(for now) enjoy the riding.
Enjoy your biking and big motors, but please have mercy on those who like the quiet, country life where the loudest thing is a cackling hen.
What size are you!? I've got a perfect pair of black chaps and riding jacket and even HD boots I'll sell you!
DH just got rid of his bike, he can't drive it anymore due to his disease. It will be sorely missed.

That's too cool! While we were at the shop yesterday, a lady came over to DH and asked, "Why don't people think I'm a rider?" He told her that he really didn't know but that maybe it had to do with typical stereotyping. At first glance, I wouldn't have guessed she had her own bike, either.


Thanks! When I first moved to TN, I met alot of bikers due to bartending. I've been out of touch with many of them for too many years and can't wait until word gets out that Lil'Bit and her old man have a Scoot.

We paid $5,500 with a grand in cash down on it it. Her mileage is low also, 3550 if I remember correctly. After Andy (shop owner) started our paperwork he had 3 other people ask about it so he hid her in one of his other buildings for us! LOL


My aunt and uncle both were into Yamahas ans Suzuki's when I was a kid. We lived a few miles from the Atco Drag Strip and I loved the weekend when all the Harleys headed to the strip...there's just something about that rumble!

Buff Hooligans,

We live in the country and we love the peace & quiet until some young punk comes speeding down our road with Rap music blaring...paybacks are a Harley!
There are actually several HD owners in our neighborhood.


I like to claim that I'm a size 5 with a bit of expansion!
Sending you an e-mail!

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That's how we landed our "lovely". The gal that used to own her is from a riding family and got a Beamer Trike.

The only thing ours is missing is a side-car for the dog. Guess she'll have to wait until Mom gets her own little 883 for that one!

One of the funniest things to me is that DH calls himself a Chesapeake Pirate since he grew up on the Bay. Official HD color of the bike....Sea Foam Green! What are the odds...LOL


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