“Share Helpful Backyard Poultry TIPS” a Random Posting CONTEST Thread ~ Hosts, Mike & Sally

Ok, so I always thought that apple cider vinegar in the water was just an old wives tale. I went to a poultry workshop a couple of weeks ago though, and the vet that was speaking there said that it actually can cut down on harmful bacteria in the digestive system. She said that chickens also prefer the taste of the water when it has ACV in it & will drink more water, which is also better for their health. I am going to give it a try!
Ok, so I always thought that apple cider vinegar in the water was just an old wives tale. I went to a poultry workshop a couple of weeks ago though, and the vet that was speaking there said that it actually can cut down on harmful bacteria in the digestive system. She said that chickens also prefer the taste of the water when it has ACV in it & will drink more water, which is also better for their health. I am going to give it a try!
I found that putting some apple cider vinegar in about once every two weeks does them wonders but I have read that vinegar is not so fabulous in really hot weather, so I am trying Bob (Big Ol' Bird) probiotics this summer.
Thank you!!
What's a safe way to get rid of bees congregating around my tube feeder post #11767

spray area with full-strength white distilled vinegar, sprinkle garlic powder around it or boil garlic and make a spray of it. scent will over power the scent thats attracting them

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Trying to think... after raising these birds and sticking my toes into incubating and stuff.. the one thing I have learned and hold dearly is that each experience is an opportunity to learn. I had one pullet die on me..... I had a 100 percent hatch.. I had a killing frenzy of eggs.. I had sick chicks and each event brought me to a new knowledge of my ultimate goal.... A lesson I learned from (Just watch and learn) @aart
A few GREAT ideas to keep the Brooder CLEAN!​
A cake pan and cooling rack inside a rubbermaid tub work well to help catch​
excess water and feed for an easy clean up in the brooder. Its important to keep the brooder dry!​
Cut jugs at the base level of the chicks neck so they can drink​
and if they do get inside the jug it wont be over their heads.​
Just big enough to get their head in and out comfortably.​
And throw the lid out, DONT put it on the jug!​
Make a new jug every week or as needed, Ducklings GROW FAST!​
REFER TO THIS LINK FOR A GREAT ADULT WATERER! http://permaculturenews.org/2013/05/20/poo-free-self-filling-duck-waterer/ @chicken hawk 33
I might need to use that!
Trying to think... after raising these birds and sticking my toes into incubating and stuff.. the one thing I have learned and hold dearly is that each experience is an opportunity to learn. I had one pullet die on me..... I had a 100 percent hatch.. I had a killing frenzy of eggs.. I had sick chicks and each event brought me to a new knowledge of my ultimate goal.... A lesson I learned from (Just watch and learn) @aart
@lindalouly You called??
I thought of somthing else!

Fermenting chicken feed:
Place portions of chicken feed into a clean, food- safe dish.
Cover with non- chlorinated water.
stir 2 or 3 times a day and add water as needed
By day three it should be ready to feed to your flock, serve in a shallow dish.

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