12+ blue/splash/black Ameraucana eggs / $20. + shipping / from SC

Hi Lisa! Please do. It is my opinion that if more eggs were shipped similarly, fewer folks would be opening boxes with broken/cracked/scrambled eggs (I've received quite a few of those myself and I know how disappointing that is).

I can send both groups in the morning (Dar' and Lisa) since I have plenty of fresh Am' eggs (I only offered one group because I was going to set the rest for a local wanting more Am' chicks, but I'll set the 'betweens' for her).

Hi Chandra! That's great to hear! Good luck with the hatch --- sooo close!

Hi Sandy! I can send as many as you can use. Congratulations on your EE hatchling and her buddies!

Hi Juan! I'm so glad you are enjoying the chicks.

Hi Sally! I'll get yours out Mon morning. I'll send you the total.

And thanks again EVERYONE!
Don't bother trying to PM. My message box is full and I'm not going to use BYC Private Messages til we get 'auto-quote' for PM's. You can email me, though.

Lisa we had a great hatch. Struggled a little to get humididty up but hatched 10 last night. One is having a tough time but the rest are doing great. We would definitely like more when you have them available. Thanks again
BEST hatch I've EVER had with shipped eggs. OMG, I didn't think you could get a 90% hatch from shipped eggs!! The babes are amazing. I definitely have to find room for my new favorite breed!!

I'm wrapping up the hatching year. What a good note to end on!!!

Many, many thanks!!

lisa, utah
Hi Lisa! I'm sorry to hear you're wrapping the hatching year there --- but glad it ended with a good hatch.
You did an awesome job incubating and hatching --- Way To GO!!!
I hope all the chicks grow well for you.


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