13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

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Me! Me! I love hatching eggs. I have an Ameraucana hen and a frizzled half Ameraucana rooster ((the other half is frizzled Silkie) and omgoodness he is SO adorable! I’ll get half frizzled chicks, and they should lay blue eggs!
If mine where actually laying I would set but unless they do I cant join!
You can! You probably have a friend with fertile eggs, no? Where are you? Of course you could buy some, but I also just trade mine for infertile eggs, since I eat most of them anyway.
You can! You probably have a friend with fertile eggs, no? Where are you? Of course you could buy some, but I also just trade mine for infertile eggs, since I eat most of them anyway.
I want to only hatch my project ones Ai need to rotate the adults out and drop my numbers otherwise id be buying or hatching my pen that is laying but dont need them lol and unless they are free no one buys chickens here so id be stuck with breeds I dont need right now
I've got 14 duck eggs that were set in my only incubator just 5 days ago, so I don't think they'll hatch in time to participate in this hatch-a-long. I'm planning on setting another group shortly after these hatch. This only my second time incubator hatching duck eggs. Usually I let a broody hen do it but my only broody so far is a 4 pound Easter Egger, too small for 14 duck eggs.

My boyfriend wants me to but I won't hatch chicken eggs any more, I get too many roosters and can't give them away in a farming community. The last 2 times I let a broody hatch (2017, 2021), I got 2 roosters out of 3 eggs. The female died leaving only roosters, sexlinks. I kept both as I discovered they were father and son making them 2nd and 3rd generation roosters.. They looked nearly identical and behaved the same, even the same pitch crow. However, my Easter Egger rooster for some reason attacked them killing them both - he's in solitary confinement until I decide his fate. They were very docile, easy to hold like my buff Brahma and Cuckoo Marans roosters.
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I am setting eggs today. I have 11 crested cream legbar and 8 blaack copper marans. My marans are a young flock and I have doubt about fertility. But, I have room in the incubator and why not try?
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