13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

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Mine's out too :)

Is that the same one as from the egg photo?

So much lighter!

What color will this one be?
Lost another Palovskaya egg and I think another is going. I think something is very wrong with this breeder. There's no way 1/2 should be infertile and the remainder unhealthy.
No way to know if it is a breeder thing when the eggs are shipped.

Shipping does all sorts of "stuff" to eggs. :idunno
These don't count for this annual hatch a long but just wanted to share the cutest Turken chick!! I hope it's a girl but I will keep him even if he's a boy!

My broody hatched 5 out of 6 eggs. The 6th was not fertilized. Glad it didn’t break the full 21 days 😬

The picture is a bit blurry
I had three early losses (one early quitter, two no development/possibly infertile). The others I’ve candled look fine from what I can tell (so 35 left).

I don’t have an issue with blue eggs but brown eggs are harder, and my OE eggs are virtually impossible. I think I see veining toward the air cell, though.
Some blue eggs are easy to see into. if the cross was a marans to make an OE egg, then they are very hard to see into!
Hello, bestest chickiepeeps! I set some of my baby hopefuls a wee bit too late (on 3/31). Can I still be counted in?
I set 15 paint silkie eggs and 9 mixed color silkie eggs, shipped from different breeders. Paints from my favorite breeder in NY, mixed from FL, I'm in CO.

My first candling on the 5th, I thought only 8 were viable, questioned another few. Candled this weekend and I have 12 viable embryos and a couple question marks. If I can get even a few healthy bebes, I will be so happy!

Also just won a bid on some gorgeous seramas but they will obviously arrive much too late for this Hatch-A-Long. I will start another thread for that hatch-a-long!

Lots of love and best peep wishes to everyone! :) :love:jumpy🐣🐥🐤:jumpy:love

They are a bit late for the set date contests but hatch with us! and enter the other contests that are open to All of BYC.
I'm just throwing this out there unsolicited. And my perspective probably comes from the fact that I'm incubating dark eggs that are hard to see into.
I would probably feel differently if I hatched white or light eggs.
But it seems like some people are very impatient to pull eggs during incubation.
In general, I pull eggs that leak or stink, but if I'm iffy on an egg, I just keep it in the incubator till it is an obvious quitter. That usually doesn't happen for me till transfer to the hatcher.
You definitely don't want an egg to explode in the incubator but, If the egg isn't infected, it won't hurt anything to keep it in the incubator - in my mind.
In my experience stinkers are the exploders. Leakers just get stuck to the turner so that they are difficult to remove without breaking the egg.
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