13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

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The BEST alarm clock!
Well I had a loss. This is never fun. I brood outside in a tractor with heat plates and bedding, etc. and one of the babies I put out last night was outside the heater area when I went out this morning. She was still alive so I breathed a sigh of relief, thought she just needed to get her temp up but then I turned her over and somehow her leg had gotten mangled up. There was no way it would have healed and poor thing had to be in pain so I had to cull.

Worst part of chicken keeping, hands down.

I have a dozen left now and more still pipping. I have one that looked to be starting to zip last night and only made a little progress since (looks like a big hole, like it can’t turn) and I noticed the humidity had dropped a lot. I sprayed two sprays from a water squirt bottle and humidity came back up quickly but I don’t know if now I’ll have sticky chick or what. Last time I had sticky chick didn’t turn out well. That’s the only time I have assisted and I swore I would never do it again.
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