13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

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8 eggs into lockdown out of 18 shipped. (But 5 are day 16). Water candled my blue eggs before putting them in, I was pretty sure I had a dud from what I could tell with my light candler. Water candling agreed. So, hopefully 3 Crested Cream Legbar babies Wednesday, and 5 Pavlovskaya on Friday. 50% of my shipped CCL eggs made it to lockdown, and 42% of my Pavlovskaya did. Got a few very funky air cells, will be surprised to get a 100% hatch rate.
I want to hatch more eggs already! Agh!
Yup…Swedish blue duck eggs started…
I am sick and not capable of counting accurately, but at least 8 have hatched and all the ones I can see without too much effort are pipped.

Do stored eggs take longer to hatch? Most of my own eggs, which were gathered within 3-4 days of setting, have been hatching but only one of the Easter Eggers, which were at least 5 days old when set and possibly as much as 10 days, are pipped, but not out yet.
I’ve noticed the stored eggs do take extra time to hatch, at least with my duck eggs. I set some that were up to 18 days stored, and they took a whole extra day to hatch. I noticed during candling that they were behind in developing. But they did hatch!
The coturnix quail are still going at it but about 30ish are out and I can see another half dozen in the process of hatching. Lots of tuxedos! I'm not sure why they're taking so long when all my other hatches synchronized within an hour or two of each other. A lot of them externally pipped 48+ hours or so ago but have not hatched yet. I did have to open the incubator to remove chicks every 10-12 hours and remove egg shells/put the eggs back together so they can "talk." And randomly another button egg is also hatching, which is just crazy given the last 3 days in a cup. I'm hoping the rest come out by the end of tonight because I need to sterilize the incubator and set it back up for gambel's eggs - my hens both abandoned their nests due to a huge storm yesterday as did my button broody.
And we're done! I had eight successful chicks from 12 eggs. Two weren't fertilized, I dropped one, and the last one I'm sure is a dud. (I water-candled it -no wiggle-, and a light candling revealed a liquidy interior that sloshed when I turned the egg different ways.) Soooo.... I'd say that's a pretty good result! Here are pics of #8 - the only one I could catch while the magic happened:


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This was my first time hatching (using an incubator) by myself. The hatch rate was 92%, two eggs didn’t make it, and two needed to be assisted, but they are doing good now. I have 23 new chicks, and they are all adorable. Most are either blue, black, or white, because of the coloring of my roosters.

My assisted hatch babies-
Skittles, the white one, is very cheeky and often likes to steal the spotlight.
I’m still waiting on my two eggs that made it to hatch day. One has externally pipped and the other internally pipped. I’m always so nervous they won’t make it after getting this far. Ugh. I’m getting my hopes up but worried I will be disappointed ☹️ shipped eggs always let me down 😩😩😩 Out of 18 shipped eggs…I will maybe if I’m lucky end up with 5 babies :-( blah! I just really want a couple teeny cute self blue d’Anvers!! ❤️
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