Ended 14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Farthest Shipped Eggs!

I guess that pink moon thing and a lot of prayers really do work. Just hatched my Beilefelder eggs that were set for the HAL. out of 12, 10 hatched today, one was clear on candle on the 11th day and I still have hopes for the last one. Strange as it may sound, I think I got all hens ! None seemed to have a white spot on the heads which denotes a male I will post a picture of all 10 tomorrow.
Here's the picture I promised. After they dried more tuns out I have 8 females and 2 males.
2023 chicks 2.jpg

How far will your easter chicks travel even before they hatch? Shipped eggs come from far and wide, how far did your eggs travel just to be a part of the 14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along? Enter this contest by submitting the shipper's zip code and your zip code - we'll do the math to calculate how far they traveled.

It's easy to enter, just reply to this thread. All eggs shipped for the 14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along are eligible.

Contest Rules:
  1. Post your zip code and the egg shipper's zip code in this thread. If you aren't comfortable posting your zip code here in the forum, please send me a conversation instead, and be sure to include "Shipped Eggs Contest" in the conversation title.
  2. Open to all BYC members participating in the 14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along.
  3. All BYC rules apply: Terms of Service (Rules)
  4. The contest stops accepting entries on TBD at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.
FirstA 6-month PFM ($35 value) for yourself or a friend.
SecondA 3-month PFM ($20 value) for yourself or a friend.

If you have not joined the fun in the 14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along thread, please drop by and say hello here!
Mine were shipped was WA state, Puyallup, 3000 miles

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