15 week old SLW roo - dinner! (Pics - graphic/)


Redneck Tech Girl
9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
So back in April, I chose to purchase straight run chicks from TSC, with the intention of having the hens for eggs and eventually the roosters for dinner. I ended up with 3 SLW roosters and a RIR rooster (with a second RIR that is suspect).

I decided to let them decide who would be dinner, based on how they act - I have a small kid, and no mean roos allowed. Yesterday, one of the SLW decided to start following my daughter with that "look", so into the dog crate he went, and today, he went to rooster heaven
I was hoping to get to that 20 week mark, but that's just didn't happen with this dude.

Figured I'd do a little photo essay for info (I have a separate blog I'll be putting this on too).

The convict:

My bad picture of my very, very simple "tree of death" - a rope tied around the tree that I had DH make a slip knot on the end, and a separate rope that I had him also make a slipknot in. Yes, it is hot pink
I couldn't find "normal" rope - I normally use it as a line for pulling my bow into tree stands. It's sturdy,

I got the convict out of his cage, and quietly carried him to the tree of death, and slipped his feet in the noose. I put the second one on his head.

I have a scalpel and scalpel blades, which I chose to make the neck cut, as they are by far sharper than anything else here. I cut a little deep, I think I got the trachea a bit (attemped to to just do the side cut for the veins), however, he bled out quite well. He didn't move for a few seconds or more, then start flopping a bit. I let him hang for about 5 minutes while I checked on my scald water.

I brought him to the inside "station", my kitchen, where I had a pot of water with some dishsoap at a good temp (148F), and one side of the sink with icewater. The counter had been washed and then a bleach solution wiped on to let dry, same with the cutting board. I tied a bag to the handles of my drawers for easy trash


I dunked and swished a few times, until I could pull out one big wing feather easily, then I put him in the ice water and swished. He then went into the same bucket I used to carry him in the house, and I took him outside so I could pluck him where stray feathers wouldn't be worrysome.

The wing and tail feathers needed some oomph to get out, but the rest came out with a gentle "rubbing" motion, against the lay of the feathers.

I got him mainly done and then just put him in the sink underwater and finished the bits of feathers out..

I'm not sure on his size, but I'm guessing at least 3lbs, maybe a wee bit more. I think I have a fish scale somewhere, have to find it. For ease of brining, I stuck him in a gallon pitcher which he just fit in, and filled with salt water to brine. We may have him for dinner tonight.


And that's what a 15 week old Silver Laced Wyandotte roo looks like
Total time from catching to fridge was about one hour.
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Hee hee - it was hard to take pictures with my hand in his belly. I gutted him like I gut wild turkeys we shoot, but this just like how we do it. They aren't really bad, there really isn't a lot to them.


For the lungs, I don't have a lung cutter thingy, so I ran water in the cavity after everything came out and rubbing with my fingers really hard. I was able to get the kidneys and lungs out like that. The rest pulls out easily - when you make the cut around the vent, make sure that is all freed up and then just reach in. The weirdest thing you will grab is the gizzard - it feels like a really big smooth egg in there. Just grab that and pull, and everything usually follows (gut AFTER you cut the neck/crop etc off!)

I like liver so I kept that. It was tasty!
It's been a LONG time since I've done chickens....like 20+ years. However, I've shot and processed MANY wild turkeys, so it's not too foreign of a concept! The biggest thing was I took my time and went nice and easy, and everything seemed to go nicely!

I really want to get a weight on the final product, as obviously he wasn't a Cornish X, but I'm pleased with how he dressed out, especially at 15 weeks.

The rest of the flock is also much happier today without him in there.
Thanks to Wii Fit and their "pet measuring" fun, Mr. SWL dressed out weighs 3.5 lbs
Yay! Now how to decide to eat him....mmmmm....
He's done!


Seasoned him up, stuck him in the dutch oven, browned all over, and then loaded him with some fresh potatoes and onions straight out of the garden. Cooked him at 325 for about 2 hours.

He is SOOOOOO tender. Just took some meat off for my daughter's plate to cool, it just fell off

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