15 week old SLW roo - dinner! (Pics - graphic/)

Loved the post but only one downside for me an that is, I am now heading inside from my office
to eat sloppy joes for supper but after reading this post I am wanting chicken
I used about half a cup of salt and cold water. Soaked for two hours, dumped the water out and rinsed him, and soaked for two more hours in about the same ratio (about half a cup to half a gallon). I didn't measure, just dumped it in there. Used canning salt (no iodine) because I have boxes of it around for canning season

Made gravy from the drippings....tastes like I cooked him with butter, but nope! Holy yummy......
Great Job!!! Dang... I hate I missed Supper! I've got about 15 to process within the week... You gave me a few ideas to use next time... Thanks for posting this for us...
Thank you everyone!

The biggest reason I wanted to post is for folks who, like me, have with extra roos that are dual purpose, not meaties, but need to be meat
I was worried about doing him in too "early" and that he would be a scrawny, tough, 1 pound bird, but I was hugely surprised! The broth he made was just divine too - just had the seasonings I put on him, potatoes, onion and garlic, and I put about a cup and a half of water in as well.

Super grateful for this forum too, it helped fill in the gaps for what I had forgotten over the years. Yesterday was DH's birthday, so he got a nice chicken dinner, plus blackberry crisp made from wild blackberries I picked that morning. He was very happy (though I surprised him at how fast I dispatched the roo - I think he though I was going to need his help LOL.)

We even had leftovers, will make something up today with them

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