2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

Hahaha! Yeah they're tiny. Coturnix quail grow up to about 1 pound at jumbo size. Mine are probably 0.5-0.75lbs I think? We are calling them Bumble (Bumble Bee) and Leia (Princess Leia).

RachG11, my daughter is an RN in pediatrics and she says the same thing about her tribe. I wish she were closer to help me deliver my babies when I get some. She delivered my dogs when I raised Schnauzers and she was only 15. I knew then she would be an outstanding nurse. What's your duck's name? Is it a Call?
#701 of 703
10 minutes ago
Hahaha! Yeah they're tiny. Coturnix quail grow up to about 1 pound at jumbo size. Mine are probably 0.5-0.75lbs I think? We are calling them Bumble (Bumble Bee) and Leia (Princess Leia)


Oooh.... Chigger sized quail!! Those are so tiny. I bet you don't let them get too far off. Blink and they'd be hiding in a thimble or a shoe. They are adorable... Congratulations!!
Oh my goodness, that is an amazing picture! I've been thinking of you every day even when I don't comment
Hubby has been gone for 2 weeks on training and I've got 3 kiddos and 4 quail eggs on lockdown and part time work. I was so busy and exhausted I got mastitis. It was too much for my immune system, and I ended up putting in my 2 weeks notice. Hubs is home for the long weekend and then he has 3 more weeks gone. I start my final semester of nursing school on Tuesday, and it's been stressful for sure. Reading your posts always gives me a boost. You're so encouraging and optimistic even when things are rough. I'm definitely happy to have found your thread, and I'm rooting for you and praying for you. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I got 2 tiny coturnix hatchlings between last night and this morning, so if you want pictures of TINY TINY hatchlings, let me know!

I would love to see pictures!!!
One more, just for you haha! It's got my heart. This one is Bumble. It cries until I come get it from the brooder and hold it.


Bumble!!! THOU ART SPOILED ALREADY!! How I'd love to help you spoil that baby even more!
That's one Quail of a baby there.
How big are their eggs?
One more, just for you haha! It's got my heart. This one is Bumble. It cries until I come get it from the brooder and hold it.


I have Seriously never seen anything so small and precious!! I'm definitely intrigued now and curious if I could incubate some eggs that little...Hmmmmm....???

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