2009 Texas Chickenstock, 5/23/09 - See My Page for add'l details

Hhhmmm... wonder if I could combine a trip to my "other mother" in Austin (provided she's still alive...
) with ChickenStock? Trinka, wanta carpool if you're still up here?
Havi, we can carpool if you like...its only !.6 hours from me!!! I'll be there!!

Edited to amend......

I have a few pullets to trade...or not....I had a lady who came to visit and ended up leaving with everything I had!! She just wanted to start a homesteading farmey thingy, and I guess I just got lucky!!

Now, I am hatching for her, too!!

You know what that means.....ROOM FOR MORE!

Looking for ancona, magpie, and cayuga ducks
pilgrim geese,
seramas, blue egg layers (bbs feathers preferred), and whatever catches my eye.

Looking forward to meeting ya'll!
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Yes, we have tried other times of the year, but spring seems to work best. Summer is way too hot, and in the fall and winter everyone is busy with school.

Memorial week-end has worked pretty well the last couple of years because it gives an opportunity to meet and then have two days of the holiday left for other stuff.
Please count us in, we will love to come, we are in Schertz.
I'm in the process of trimming down my marans collection, I got carried away with all the different colors, DH said no more cage and I have got 4 group of youngster need space soon too.

Right now, I have an extra splash roo, blue birchen roo and blue copper roo. If any one interest. I just hatch lots of blue/black & cuckoo X BC marans chicks.
Will probably selling Brabander chicks too, they're soooo cute, I just hatch too many.

Fowlrus/Angie - Schertz. Home of the showgirl/silkie and marans.

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