2014 breeding season begins, post your results

Pic flood time...
My 3 newest PeaBabies that hatched this weekend (Hatch #4)...

Also a pic of my previous hatch (Hatch #3) and a recent pic of them:

Updated pic of Hatch #2, (the small guy on the right was really runty but seems to be catching up... been feeding it lots of scrambled eggs!) One of these guys has a few White coverts and a White flight.

And an updated pic of my first 2014 Hatch, plus some extra pics of the darkest chick that now seems to be losing some of it's barring compared to the 2 that are obvious males?

Dark chest and tight crest...
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I write on them with a pencil at the fat end, which you cannot see in these pictures. The black maker was for just identifying the eggs in the pictures. Make sense? Below is number 19, look closely at the fat end and you'll see the pencil, this is how I mark my eggs. As one can see, this egg didn't develop because it wan't fertile. It was out of my 2 year old who was in with her 2 year old and yearling brothers.

so how many eggs/chicks did everyone get? We (so far) got 39 eggs from one bs male and between 4 girls - although I'm sure only two of them actually laid, the other two were not at all interested in him. and we know which ones were doing the gonna lay an egg stance/dance. I sold most of them, tried to incubate some, but that didn't work out. got two more in the incubator now - hoping. They're only two years old, but when I tried to incubate before they were all fertile :)
We have 59 (64 if you count the ones that were laid from the perch, lol) from six hens. Two chicks so far, four due the 31st, a bunch due in June. Gonna ship six fresh eggs to PA today and set the rest.

Hi You Guys! I've missed you. Funny- as cold and brutal a winter as we've had here in Ohio, my peahen has been on 6 eggs for 15 days now. Dylans Mom said hers aren't in the mood yet. I'm thinking I might have sped things up unintentionally, with my coop lights being on a timer. The longer light hours help egg laying in the chickens and apparently peafowl as well! Counting down, 13 more days to go...

When I said mine weren't in the mood that must have been awhile ago, we have collected 70 eggs so far. One BS hen still hasn't laid any and my IB just started last week.
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You guys are making me jealous! I wish I could get that many eggs at a time but I only get 4 for now possibly more later. But not 70 eggs. Though of course I only have one laying hen. I'm hoping someone in my area will be selling some white chicks.
You guys are making me jealous! I wish I could get that many eggs at a time but I only get 4 for now possibly more later. But not 70 eggs. Though of course I only have one laying hen. I'm hoping someone in my area will be selling some white chicks.
A couple of my hens laid over 30 eggs each last year, so there's hope if you want more eggs.

You guys are making me jealous! I wish I could get that many eggs at a time but I only get 4 for now possibly more later. But not 70 eggs. Though of course I only have one laying hen. I'm hoping someone in my area will be selling some white chicks.

In my experience, it can take quite awhile for a peahen to start laying again after she passes a soft shelled egg. My IB went thru all of this last May, and she never laid again until July and when she did it was only 3 eggs and none were fertile. It is very hard on their reproductive system and can take a lot of time to heal. She is back to laying normally now and I have collected 2 nice big eggs from her so far. Birdrain if you will clean and sterilize that incubator and invest in a hygrometer and some basic first aid supplies for your Peas I might be willing to ship you some eggs, we get lots of whites here. Your decision of course, but unless I feel comfortable about the environment my eggs may hatch into I do not part with them. Good luck with jadea keep an eye on her head and some triple antibiotic ointment/Neosporin wouldn't hurt, just don't get it in her eyes.

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