2014 Hatchery Chick Orders

Aww, you sure are having some rough times with a few. But you're such a good "chicken mama".
ust put an order into Ideal for 15 white leghorn pullets for a friend and Ideal site says they wont ship till May 12th but i clicked the little box for them to call me if my order is available to ship sooner. these chicks aren't for me their for a friend that wants them but has no way to brood chicks so i offered to brood and raise them for up to 8 weeks and then i'll take them to her.

my parents think i'm crazy for wanting to raise more but i just love fuzzbutts.

oh and my ducklings ship out a week from today on the 24th...so excited!
I am thinking these two are roosters. They are the biggest out of all of them and their comb is getting bigger and more red. What do you all think?
I want to say #1 is a pullet.
#2 I'm not sure about...leaning towards cockerel but I'm not 100%
ETA: After looking at the red on my cockerels I'm at 50/50 on your #2, maybe its the lighting but I don't see as much red in yours.

Our cockerels are a week older than our pullets. I have more but I don't have pictures of everyone. I'm not sure if they might help you or not. I'm only going off of hatchery sexing but I'm 99% sure they are 100% right on.
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