2014 New York Chickenstock

Oh, no. You sign up for whatever you like and I shall help fill holes when we get closer. Whatever works best, I'm flexible

I'm only 90 minutes away...I can bring food....and ice, if the day requires it. And chips, cuz there are never enough chips for me at these events.
I plan to come too! Don't know yet what I will make for food...perhaps pork and beans? Or a salad of some sort? Will try to make something chicken themed of glass...and maybe something from the local apple winery...inspiration will strike as the date approaches.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone! Meeting folks I haven't, and seeing those I met last time again.
You guys make me smile

Metella--I would like a couple plum trees also.

I plan on setting a hatch as soon as this subzero weather subsides and my eggs aren't frozen.

Jlaw- I just want to let you know I'm partial to cranberry juice.
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The last event we talked to our local feed mill and got a ton of Nutrena feed at a cheaper rate. I'll talk to DH and see if that is something that he is interested in doing again this time. That way we can pitch in together.
The last event we talked to our local feed mill and got a ton of Nutrena feed at a cheaper rate.  I'll talk to DH and see if that is something that he is interested in doing again this time.  That way we can pitch in together.

I am in again if we do!

My first set off eggs in a week in! Ameraucanas and cochins. This must mean that spring is down the road some where!

Maple Sugaring season should be coming up too, if it does warm up:D. I could bring syrup to raffle and sell if anyone is interested.
Travis said the feed thing was a pain in the butt. Since we're having it on a Saturday the feed place will be open til noon and people can drive there themselves. We can get prices of what they sell it for.
Ok - maybe if he just calls and says he will send everyone there and the code word is NORA to get a discount :) ha ha ha ha

Anyway - that is just icing on the cake - if they don't do it - that's fine - but what a nice idea and the store would make money because there would be a ton sold that normally wouldn't - as most of us are from out of town.
I won't be able to come this year :-( I'm VERY bummed about it. This get together sounds like so much fun ! OK, enough whining.
If anyone is interested................. as the date gets closer. I have Australorps ( Robert Whitney & Jamie Matts lines ) I can bring eggs to sell / auction / or trade . I have 10 Aussies and they are giving me 6-7 eggs a day in this cold. I also have EE / OE / Green egg layers. 2 roos ( Lav. AM & Blue Am. ) over EE /OE / AM. / & Aracauna ( 7 hens total ) again to sell /auction / or trade. Or a mixed batch of brown egg layers covered by the 2 Am roos.

I'll be looking for Welsummer and Speckled Sussex eggs / chicks

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