2014 New York Chickenstock

Thats really not bad for eggs from quality birds. I'm planning on getting some blue barnie eggs in the spring, they're $75 a dozen.

You might consider sharing the cost and chicks with someone.

$5 a chick depends on the breed. As for eggs, why would I pay $4 for an eggs when for a $1 more I can be certain to have a live chick?
Thanks for speaking up. Like I said, I didn't know what hatching eggs go for. And now that I know, I think I'll stick with buying chicks. At least I know they hatched. LOL

Now that I think about it, $48 a dozen isn't bad, actually....if 75% hatch that makes them about $5 a chick. But if only 50% hatch, that's getting to rich for my blood. I learned my lesson when I was new....no matter how good the breed, breeder or how much I just have to have "that breed" they ALL can die and the more you want it, the more likely it is to die. And if they live they won't necessarily lay the egg you think it is going to lay. My best layers are my mutts. My most colorful layers are my mutts. My most friendly are my mutts. So I guess I like my mutts....and I hatched them myself so the cost me nothing. (Actually the hen hatched them, I just fed the little fuzzy butts)

Well now, if I'm picking up eggs I'm not paying $48. I just ordered eggs shipped for $55. Also if I don't know the breeder, so I'm not getting nailed like I did with the Florida eggs. Two scrawny chicks and one not even the breed I ordered? I don't think so!

Now I will say this, just so you know I'm not all negative. Marg, has some nice Sussex so I'd buy from her, cuz I trust her that way and you know I don't mind telling it like it is. If a breed is hard to find I don't mind paying.

I paid $10 for sexed Cuckoo Marans and drove five hours to get them. I paid $20 for the Lavender orps and $5 for the other orps and IMO they are worth it, because the seller HinkJC has worked with them and she's got a reputable reputation.

If the breed is hard to come by like I said I don't mind paying. Of course like anything else it's what folks can afford. I can't afford much. Otherwise I'd be ordering from Green Fire.

Also if you're going to spend big bucks and think you'll make money selling eggs or chicks, make sure there are people who are willing to pay what you want.
I'm only offering eggs because I dint know if I will run out of chicks. I have a pretty small flock...
You might consider sharing the cost and chicks with someone.  

$5 a chick depends on the breed.  As for eggs, why would I pay $4 for an eggs when for a $1 more I can be certain to have a live chick?  
I'm only offering eggs because I dint know if I will run out of chicks. I have a pretty small flock...

I completely understand and i'm sure some folks would want to hatch their own. However for me it's worth the extra dollar to get a chick than take the time to hatch. Point being you should either charge more for the chicks or less for the eggs.

Of course I don't have time to deal with rooster chicks, so would prefer a pullet and pay more. It's all what the market will allow. I wouldn't want more than two or three since I'm not in to making more just having them run around the yard so visitors will go "eewwww that's an funny looking chicken".

So if I'm there and you have chicks I will certainly will want some. They are large birds right? I don't care what color, just the size. Well I would like something other than black or white. I've got to many black and white birds now.
Quote: That is really not bad for hatching eggs from certain breeds - and those eggs are nice and dark.

As to buying eggs over chicks I think it is a personal choice. I do not bring anything "live" home, my choice. There are far less transferable germs with hatching eggs than buying chicks. Agreed if you do the math it can work out to be less expensive with chicks than eggs. If I get the 50%+ hatch rate on shipped eggs I consider that a sucessful shipment and hatch.

I have been hatching for quite a while and in for a pint in for a pound...or some such saying.
I have my avatar sitting on 8 eggs
hopefully I get some baby sebastopols

and blue naked necks hatching out my b***

any one need any up north?

Tab put me down for some blue nn chicks for the auction
Hey Nava,

I have a friend who has been dreaming of sebies. Let me check with them to see if they would like to see about getting any.
I think those naked neck chicks are cute, but in this weather they need someone to knit or crochet little neck warmers for them.

they actually do very well in the cold, I got some of them in Rome NY

and rob sais they are doing very good, with no scarfs lol
Hey Nava,

I have a friend who has been dreaming of sebies. Let me check with them to see if they would like to see about getting any.
ok, last year I tried to hatch them but I only got one, so this time she is doing it, hopefully she does better than me.

so I don't know if im going to have any, but she sits on 8 eggs.

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