2014 New York Chickenstock

Gramma Chick they would go well with my 2 month old Partridge Plymouth rocks

Impulsive farmer how many do you want? I also have some pepper plants but not sure what is what of them as I have Habenero, Jalepeno California Wonder Sweet peppers and Carnival Hybrid Mix Sweet Peppers and didn't mark which ones were in what so if you want a few mystery peppers I have some of them too for the same price. Plus I will probably have broccoli and pumpkins but want to see how big they get before the chickenstock 

Oooh Ill buy some peppers and broccoli!!! Pm with costs and how many you have available? This is better than my local,hardware store!!! Lol I gave up starting my own a few year back;( we suck at it..and hatching chicks apparently!!
hi, by chance do you have a pic of your silkies? Can you please PM me (I doubt I'll find this post again). thanks so much.
I just harvested rose of Sharon seedlings ...there should be enough for everyone !
I still want a plum tree longs it isnt too chewed ...
Good to hear! I might have to grab one since the house we just moved into has ZERO plants out front- not a bush or anything!!! but I can see where the previous owner took a chainsaw to the old bushes because he left the huge root system (luckyme). Needless to say the whole landscaping thing is going to be quite the project. It's all quite odd that its a country farmhouse with no plants around.
so I'm taking whatever anyone gives me and planting it! Don't know much about rose of sharon but it looks pretty!
baunlee - I can try to remember some classic orange day lilies - they will grow anywhere - you don't have to mow or trim them ... I have so many I consider them encroaching on my other plants.
Is it May 17th yet?! Its taking too long
I just realized that the 17th is also the hatch date for my 14 eggs I set. I believe my thermometer was off and the temp was low for the first week anyway, so they will probably hatch late anyway. I candled them all today and all 14 have movement! Amazing since I'm using an LG! 12 days to go!
Just passed my first NPIP testing...

Does anyone else bother w NPIP if you are not showing your birds? I figured it would be good to have if I am selling eggs/chicks.... But then I realized we cannot get chicks/eggs from sources that are not npip certified....

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