2014 New York Chickenstock

On the NPIP subject, they don't even check if you have it if you're shipping hatching eggs and birds anyway, which is the whole reason you are supposed to get it, so you can do those things. I've never been checked for it. I'm shipping duck eggs, which you don't need to be NPIP for anyway as they don't test waterfowl, but I've never been questioned. Heck, people ship live birds and aren't questioned. So, why bother? They don't need to know I have birds.
That is why I decided not to go NPIP. One, nobody needs to know what I have, where I live and how many I have. Two--what they test for is rare. I have heard too many horror stories of people taking their birds to a show and they come home with mites, lice, respiratory disease, etc. I have also been reading about many places in other states are trying to outlaw raising your own food (livestock). I believe that all the big ag companies would prefer that none of us raise anything except our dollars at the grocery store to buy their products. I will stay below the radar and enjoy what I have, doing what I do.

On the NPIP subject, they don't even check if you have it if you're shipping hatching eggs and birds anyway, which is the whole reason you are supposed to get it, so you can do those things. I've never been checked for it. I'm shipping duck eggs, which you don't need to be NPIP for anyway as they don't test waterfowl, but I've never been questioned. Heck, people ship live birds and aren't questioned. So, why bother? They don't need to know I have birds.

x2 (or "what they said")

I *try* not to worry too much....but things are going south when it comes to our food supply and I would rather have more control over my food....which is the biggest reason I started my own flock....the second reason being how can you ever resist those cute chickies?
8 guinea eggs today!

I kept them in until 4pm I'm going to try until 5pm tomorrow (technically today considering it's 1:30am) and see what happens. I have 24 birds and I think at least half are girls so I should be getting more than that.

Speaking of guineas, does anyone have guineas of other colors? I have pearl, lavender, purple, and chocolate and my husband wants even more colors.

I was worried about my neighbors complaining about the noise, but my neighbors asked my husband where the guineas have been (because they have been locked up most of the day). They were actually upset because they thought we got rid of them!

Best neighbors ever.
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8 guinea eggs today!

I kept them in until 4pm I'm going to try until 5pm tomorrow (technically today considering it's 1:30am) and see what happens. I have 24 birds and I think at least half are girls so I should be getting more than that.

Speaking of guineas, does anyone have guineas of other colors? I have pearl, lavender, purple, and chocolate and my husband wants even more colors.

I was worried about my neighbors complaining about the noise, but my neighbors asked my husband where the guineas have been (because they have been locked up most of the day). They were actually upset because they thought we got rid of them!

Best neighbors ever.

How are those duckies coming ...my son wants more ...I said maybe 1 more = 4 total ..LOL
Gramma Chicken: if ticks are as bad there as they are here this year as a neighbor I be would luring the Guinness over -) entertaining wicked little watch chickens.
Gov't / SHF:/prepping: aren't we just going back to our roots? Grandparents always had huge gardens, August - September canning / fermenting, beef calf. Thankful to my Grandmother for letting me have my first garden, Guernsey kid seed pkt. Family trip wasn't to the mall or theme park, Saturdays spent picking berries,milk weed (taste like asparagus) wild mushroom (can't remember the name of) swimming in the creek. Going back to school in September was welcome relief from never ending bales of hay.(bales 80-100# not the lady lite horse bales) Don't see prep/SHF as a new concept when it's always been a way of life. I'am just returning to my roots of farming, difference is Goggles taking pictures of my backyard.
i have 2 or 3 eggplant still up for grabs and still plenty of peppers and green tomatoes, also a few cherry tomatoes
If you still have these, I will take 2 eggplant, 2 of each pepper and 2 green tomaoes if they are a large variety. Just let me know what is available and a total then I can add it to my list.

Thank you!!
Woooo hooooo we are getting closer to the event!!
I am trying to make my final plans which is a big endevor considering every day life's pace.

I have decided to sell my husbands 2 Mille Fleur Leghorns. They are cute sweet girls but My roos, in any pen, are just too big for these girls. They are smaller than my giant cochins or even Marans guys. They are getting a bit bare and I feel bad for them.

They are only 12-13 months old and currently laying. Asking $15 each. I will only bring them if presold.
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:frow   If you still have these, I will take 2 eggplant, 2 of each pepper and 2 green tomaoes if they are a  large variety.  Just let me know what is available  and a total then I can add it to my list.

Thank you!!  :celebrate

I do, and yes the green tomato is called a green zebra large slicing tomato that ripens green with stripes :)
So that is 10 plants your total is $30 :)

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