2014 New York Chickenstock

One week!!!! :woohoo:
Anyone interested in some TSC banties? I'll have to take pics later. Hubby thinks one that looks like a pullet is crowing. If so, I have 4 banty Roos and 2 pullets.
One week!!!! :woohoo:
Anyone interested in some TSC banties? I'll have to take pics later. Hubby thinks one that looks like a pullet is crowing. If so, I have 4 banty Roos and 2 pullets.

Are they tiny? If so I'd be interested. I love having some tiny chickens running around, like old English game bantams or d'uccles.
Here is what I can bring if anyone is interested:

Two bantam cochin cockerels, 7 months old, one partridge, one black, $8 each
Two bantam cochin cockerels, 5 months old, both partridge, $5 each
One bantam cochin pullet, 7 months old, partridge, $10 each
Two standard cochin roosters, 1 year old, one silver laced, one buff, $15 each
Six standard cochin chicks, 1 month old, buff rooster/buff-silver laced-gold laced hens, $5 each
Five pekin ducklings, 5 weeks old, $8 each
Six sweetgrass or fall fire turkey poults, 2 weeks old, $10 each
Muscovy duck hatching eggs, $10/dozen
Standard cochin hatching eggs, $10/dozen
One very cute and sweet tempered mixed bantam rooster, 1 year old with feathered feet and barred feathering, free

Also, we are all getting ready to garden, and I don't know about you, but I have way more seeds than I need for planting. How about bringing 10-12 seeds of the leftovers in labeled snack bags and throwing them all into a basket to share with each other. (I know I overdid it buying seeds and they will just go to waste

i would like the bantam cochin pullet please :) i also have some seeds i could bring to throw in the pile :)
This is a list of what I'm bringing to people that have contacted me. If you have arranged with me to bring something and your not on this list, pm me.

Trio Cayuga Ducks...I didn't write down the name, Who was it?
3 BC Marans Pullets Mary G.
Lav Orp eggs Impulsive Farmer
Mix Sussex eggs- Orchid Canoe-How many?
Doz Marans eggs-Orchid Canoe
2 Coro & 1 Lav Orp Pullets-Pam
Marans roo- ?
4 Brabanter chicks-Kristen

Anyone I missed?

I'll probably be bringing more Lav Orp & Coro chicks, Marans chicks, soap,

I am also bringing 2 hardly used complete roll out nests I bought for the Marans, but they wouldn't use them..I think the Marans are too large.
I paid $159 with shipping from Premmier, will sell for $100. All plastic with the nest & roll out feature. Yellow & black. I bought them because they were eating the eggs & the roll out nests stop that.
the duck trio was me, but i have been meaning to message you, i think i am going to pass, i have decided to just stick with one breed of ducks this year, till i can set up another separate area for another breed
You CAN Let them free range just like ducks. If they have enough area to range, you don't have to feed them all summer long...yeah!  They are beautiful to look at.

When is the next swap meet. I'm very interested. I have many different breed of ducks, chickens and even a goose. I'm looking for pairs for several of the birds I already have and also looking for new breeds to add to my collection. Also where is this meet being held??
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here is what i am bringing, let me know if i forgot anyone or if you are interested i still have a bunch of peppers, cherry tomatoes, and green zebra tomatoes :)

sonew123- 4 eggplant
PhoredaBirds- 2 eggplant, 2 green zebra
aceschix- 2 eggplant, 2 purple beauty pepper, 2 sweet cherry blend pepper, 2 Serrano pepper, 2 green zebra tomatoes

flame burner, big pot, and a few supplies for butchering demo
possibly a 10x10 pop up tent/shelter
wine for raffle
I found my list of things I am bringing/buying (meaning people I owe money to for things I ordered)

I am bringing :

chips and brownies
Beer for Auction (Gonna get those individual beers....see if any have chickens on the labels. LOL)
Tickets for Auction.
White duct tape (Lowes today for wood..I'll look there for it. Anyone else have some?)
Rooster for Horsekeeper (If she still wants it)

I am adding a "tart warmer with wax " and some cute new christmas minatures to my auction offerings. (I won these things at another auction and have no use for them. Thought I did, but I don't. You know how THAT goes)

People I owe money to:

2-3 Maran chicks from Aceschix. No price set yet
2 pints Maple Syrup (from I forgot) @ $9 a pint
3 Marans from Chick Inn $5 each
1 or 2 Rhode Islnd Reds from PharmchickenMom. No price set

(removed Chicks from list. Anyone want to give me free chicks? No, wait. I don't need more chicks. Bad hand, why you typing that stuff?)

If I asked you to bring me something and I forgot, please let me know. I want to make sure I bring enough money.
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Folks...The CCLs are a bust !!! I have to wait to hatch when I bet my new bator next weekend to hatch any!!! My bator has fried everything BUT I do have 8 CCL roos I will be bringing..someone requested 3 roos (7 weeks old) and a few others did want them as well let me know...and 1 2 weeks old
1 3 weeks old
1 4 weeks old

THATS exactly what I hatched out sad huh?? All roos;( i fried all females!!! Sigh
Rehome, For Sale...I didn't say they were free ;-)

That's fine, you're good. I just wanted to be clear. To me rehome means free. As in I'd like to rehome my neighbors dog.

Anyhow went to the plant sale in Fayetteville and spent all but $1 of my egg money from yesterday.
It's an annual sale. They sell lots of plants for the yard. Got some good deals. Since I go to the farmers market I know what is a good deal. Next year I plan where and what I want to plant. Only thing I would have liked to have bought was some Hellebore but they were $8 and more than I wanted to spend.

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