2014 New York Chickenstock

I was thinking that we should try to label foods with what they are and if it contains an allergen just in case we have someone who is allergic to certain things. What do you guys think? (for example: nuts)
Good idea with the labeling. I also wanted to ask, who was it that said they could bring bags of feed for $10? If that's still on the table I know I want a few bags and I think Metella does too.
I like that idea! Nuts," SILKIES", gluten, etc. maybe vegetarian or not would be helpful too.
I hope you'll have tin foil hats.
Good idea with the labeling. I also wanted to ask, who was it that said they could bring bags of feed for $10? If that's still on the table I know I want a few bags and I think Metella does too.
Labeling food is a great idea- even if we do it w masking tape in front of the bowl or something...

The $10ish feed is from me. I'm placing a new order and hopefully with have it here by friday. Just PM me how many bags you'd like bc I will only bring what is ordered. Sometimes the feed is $9ish, sometimes $11ish... always less than $15 though! :)

I also just got some Buff Orp roo chicks and I can bring them for $1.50 ea if anyone wants meat chicks??

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