2014 New York Chickenstock

I just added 18+ duck hatching eggs for the picnic now that I have my ducks laying back in their house again. The KC eggs should be pure (I have them labeled). I don't think my black drake ever got around to mating with the KC hen. He wasn't as quick as my drake. I have 4 ducklings hatch out and before selling them one did look like it was pure KC compared to the others But I couldn't be 100% positive. I can sell all together as the 18+ or if someone wants just KC eggs I can take those out and sell separately.
Anyone have a couple 2 month old chicks ? The same age as my white rocks ? I dont want to go back to the baby brooder thing again ...Ive had enough of it for this year ...let my broodies do that ....take care of babies thing . Another broody hard to get her picture . so heres the babies
I do. Are you Looking for any specific breed?
Don't complain about the weather. Just get as much stuff done as you can while the sun is shining.  

Stuck some Pussy Willow cuttings in a pot.  It's so wet here I figure they might take. The plan is to plant  and line a path into the woods with them.  

DW has a cough but the plan is to still do surgery tomorrow.  

Thoughts with you and your wife tomorrow. Hope the cough is nothing more than the darn trees pollinating all over.
One day closer to 'Stock, can't wait!
Love how all the weather apps/websites/stations are all different. It was also supposed to rain here all week. I have yet to see a drop! Lol
It did rain here last night but that was it I am glad .

Don't complain about the weather. Just get as much stuff done as you can while the sun is shining.

Stuck some Pussy Willow cuttings in a pot. It's so wet here I figure they might take. The plan is to plant and line a path into the woods with them.

DW has a cough but the plan is to still do surgery tomorrow.
Prayers for you wife and you for tomorrow
Was someone bringing blackberry plants? If so, I would love some. Labeling would be a good idea. I am highly allergic to sulfa and nitrates so no processed meats for me. If there is any bacon or processed meat(ie sausage, lunch meat, pepperoni, bacon,etc.) in anything I need to know to avoid it. I never travel without my epi pen but dont really want to have to use it either! Same goes for eggs. I can finally eat mine now that my girls are on non gmo feed but I dont dare eat any others. Okay, enough about my stupid allergies.

Heres hoping for a fair day with light breezes and easy sun. Soooooooooooooooooooo close!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have some blackberry vine type plants I could try to dig up. They are pretty big though. Does anyone know if I cut them back how big to I need to keep them so they continue to grow, I know that where the ends touch the ground they take hold and grow. Maybe if I cut the tops off and put them in a pot they would grow? I have no idea. I've cut down most of them. I'm going to be getting some of the thorn less kind and putting them in a better location. These were here when we bought the house.
I know someone who is selling SQ silkie chicks for $4 each in buff, white, and blue. If you are interested let me know and I can bring them. They will be one or two days old.

Are they always blue or does she also have black? I really would like a black chick or two.

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