2014 New York Chickenstock

Tab and Travis - THANK YOU so much for having us today! This was my first Chickenstock and the kids and I had a great time. Even with a VERY muddy little girl and worn out boys, we all went home happy. Thank you for the plum trees and hatching eggs! I look forward to the next one! Thanks to all who purchased honey and cochin babies from me! What a great bunch of folks. It was great to put some faces to some names! :)
Thanks Everyone for coming and participating in our event! The only thing I regret is that I didn't get to talk to any one person for very long and I didn't get to say goodbye to everyone. Hope you all had a great time!

Who ever made the potato salad, it was awesome! I didn't get to try much of the food but I'm sure it was all good.

Tab & Travis thank so much for hosting this I had a realy great time I enjoyed meeting everyone it is real nice to put a face to the names. All my babies are all settled in and I came home to 5 new baby mini rex bunnies apparently my youngest thought the mini rex was lonely so he put the male in with her .
Tab and Travis, thank you for hosting! I had a wonderful time.

Just got done setting up the new incubator I had to buy on the way home because of all the darn eggs I won. I kind of cleaned housed on the eggs in the auction :oops: I swear I didn't buy a ton of tickets and throw them in the eggs. Most of the ones I won I only put one ticket in!
Thanks Tab and Travis!!!!!!

On the way home I realized that I never took my camera out of the car. I had a great time meeting a bunch of you. I missed a few peeps that I wanted to make a point of meeting, so I guess I'll have to wait till next time. When I got home with my new babies dh wasn't to happy...
Me: I'm home.
DH: How was is?
Me: Great. I won this awesome quilt, got some honey and got a cool bar of soap.
DH: yeah (watching TV) good.
Me: There were lots of chicks and I was really good and didn't get any of them. I wanted to but held strong.(in a quiet voice) and I only came home with 2 chickens.
DH: You came home with what?
Me: Only 2 silikes
DH: 2 too many!
I brought them in to show him...
DH: They are ugly.
Me: You sound just like Rancher.
DH: Rancher who?

I wish we would have done the culling demo. When I got home and went out to get the eggs, my SS roo came at me again. Little bugger. He is running out of time to be good or I'll have to do some studying on youtube!
I havent told mine yet we got 2 chicks & 3 ducks ...
He asked me were all the chickens away ...I said yes ..I didnt tell him the 2 new ones were away too !


Nice to meet every one ...Cass I didnt see you ...or recognize you ..were you there some where ?
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Thanks Tab & Travis for hosting a great picnic! It was nice to put faces to names.

I thought I had gotten away w slipping chicks & eggs into the house w/o DH noticing. Till we were out w a friend for dinner & she asked if I brought anything home. "I swear I only put $5 into the raffle & didn't think I'd actually win anything" ;)
I especially want to add to all the folks who volunteered to bring food and came through with what they promised you were bringing...thank you!!! The hosts count on everyone of us to do what we said we would for the good of the whole group showing.It was a beautiful spread!! Very generous and talented cooks!!! Also, Its very nice to know that when folks say they are coming to buy things from people or count on things from people...The majority followed through :p Thank you!!!! I love our Ny chicken group! Fun fun!!
Morning all! A huge thankyou to Tab and Travis for hosting us! It turned out to be a beautiful day. It was so nice to finally meet everyone that I talk to on the NY forum. I have faces to go with names and enjoyed chatting with all of you. If only there was more time and we lived closer together!. Everyones food was fabulous and the raffle was fun. Btw--whomever made the jam I won, its really good! Ate some blackberry jam this morning and dh is demanding more of it! Found out that I went to school with Tabs mom. We graduated together. Small world!

I do have pictures even though Im not the best picture taker. I will upload them later. First we kill Bill, then deliver the rest of the girls to my friend who is waiting for them.

Jlaw---so sorry to hear about your silkies. Should you decide later on to start with them again, let me know. You saw what mine look like and I have never lost any yet (my oldest are over 3 years old). Just a thought. There is always next years chickenstock!

Thanks again everyone! My first chickenstock was a blast!
I posted more on the NY thread - so tired ... and it was worth it !

You others that didn't make a long drive - really worth the over 3 hours one way for me :)

THANK YOU TAB - what a lovely spot for the shindig.

Off to rest for a full day ....

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