2014 New York Chickenstock

finally able to check in after the long trip got home at 11pm Saturday and got all the birds settled in and went to sleep and had a full day of work yesterday, it was really fun getting to meet everyone :) and the food was great!

everyone is doing great and hubby wasn't even that mad that i brought home so many birds and eggs

The cochin girl i got from horsekeeper is doing amazingly she even layed and egg sunday morning

i think the long ride broke miss broody pants, but hopefully after she is settled in she will decide she wants to be a mommy

cochin bantam, (was) broody silkie, millie roo and the larger frizzle pullet (shasta) are all happily living together and the smaller frizzle pullet (buttercup) is living with the chicks she is sooooo sweet
I have questions about all the eggs I won, lol. I won some that were labeled W -B/W Amerauacanas. Is this white and black and white? Also a question on the turkey eggs - they were labeled royal palm and sweetgrass. Will they be mixed or pure? Just curious!
I have questions about all the eggs I won, lol. I won some that were labeled W -B/W Amerauacanas. Is this white and black and white? Also a question on the turkey eggs - they were labeled royal palm and sweetgrass. Will they be mixed or pure? Just curious!

They weren't my eggs but the W-B/W stands for wheaten - Blue wheaten
Thanks Nutty! I am going to have so many ameraucanas. Before the auction I bought 6 wheaton eggs from Aceschix.
I have questions about all the eggs I won, lol. I won some that were labeled W -B/W Amerauacanas. Is this white and black and white? Also a question on the turkey eggs - they were labeled royal palm and sweetgrass. Will they be mixed or pure? Just curious!

The turkeys are a mix between the 2 breeds. Nutty is correct on the Ams

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