2014 New York Chickenstock

Happy Memorial Day! The plum is planted. We planted about 20 apple trees and the plum today, dug as deep of holes as we could, put the tree in, watered, put mulch on and put a plastic barrier around to hopefully ward off rodents. Busy day. We planted the plum with the small plum tree because they were sharing the same bucket of potting soil but will see if the small one makes it or not, it was a bit droopy looking. The tall plum looks good, nice leaves, will see how it does in time. We were attacked by tiny black flies toward the end of the planting day. It's looking like we're going to need something next year to combat the bugs over there. Guineas? Ducks? The stone building is coming along, we have a plan to convert it into our farm store. It already has electric with lights, doors, replaced windows last year and have a few more to do this year, and need to replace one more door. Then decorate!

Black bugs are nasty ....makes it time to go inside ..LOL
I bought Lav orp eggs from Marquisella, maybe she donated them. I had to toss one at lockdown so 11 are still going. I also have 11/12 Golden Cuckoo Marans from Tab and Travis in there. Anyone else have chicken stock eggs hatching this weekend?
I have 3 dozen eggs from chickenstock due tomorrow. I have a huge pip from one of the Golden Cuckoo Marans tonight.
I have some hatching, but they aren't doing as well as I had hoped :( I think that the humidity was too high in the LG even though I never added any water at all through the incubation. The air cells just looked to be on the small side. I think all the NN's quit at lockdown. I do have one lavender orpington out and one wheaten ameraucana so far, as well as one pipped lav orp. My broody has one that was pipped yesterday and she also has the olive egger eggs so I'm not sure how they're doing.
Just wanted to update the thread- I won the Lav orp egg auction and all 12 are developing! Hopefully I get a good hatch, mine seem to struggle the last couple of days and have had really bad hatch rates...
Anyway- thank you to whomever donated the lavs!

Quote: Your welcome...always glad to hear my eggs are doing well. Its been a good year in that respect...
I have some hatching, but they aren't doing as well as I had hoped :( I think that the humidity was too high in the LG even though I never added any water at all through the incubation. The air cells just looked to be on the small side. I think all the NN's quit at lockdown. I do have one lavender orpington out and one wheaten ameraucana so far, as well as one pipped lav orp. My broody has one that was pipped yesterday and she also has the olive egger eggs so I'm not sure how they're doing.

Perhaps soon you will be swimming in chicks:). My eggs fr chxstk have smallish air cells as well. I incubated them most of the way thru with shipped eggs whose air cells seemed to be giant. Tricky little things those air cells are.
It's been so humid that even a dry hatch wasn't dry enough for my taste. The humidity never went below 35% and I like to let it get down to 20% before bringing it back up to 30% until lockdown. Nevertheless, there is one marans hatched and several more are externally pipped. Marans are the hardest because the color coating on the egg prevents evaporation and sometimes the air cell doesn't shrink enough. I guess that means the coronations and jersey giants should be okay, too.

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