2018 Hatchalong

I put two small eggs and one large egg under Babe, and she accepted them, but the large egg broke one of the smaller eggs, so she is now sitting on 11. I also added 7 more eggs into the bator, for a total of 21.Several have veins showing during candling
Welcome to the hatchalong. :)

My first goose is 9 days into sitting, and a 2nd goose is just starting to sit. I haven't fired up my bator, and hope if I can sneak my dewlap eggs into all my reliable broody girls' nests, I may not have to use my bator at all.
I set 5 Pilgrim Goose eggs on Wed, the 21st and candled today.... we ahve at least 2... maybe 3 that I can see veining in!!!! I'm SO excited! Now I REALLY qwant to make sure I'm doing this right!
Well, I won't be getting the tufted roman eggs (the person took down their listing and I couldn't find them). So I decided to bid on some eggs on eBay and just won! They're kind of mystery eggs, since they're from a mixed group....but the breeds are American Buff, Sebastopol, and Dewlap Toulouse....so hopefully a couple of the eggs hatch fine. It ought to be a blast figuring out what the little fluffs are.

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