Announcement 2020 Update: Political and Politically Charged Content Not Allowed

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That seems excessive for me. XD Especially right now when I have nobody to feed my cakes to...
Maybe if I was hosting a big party I could get through that much cake.... 🤔 But I won't be doing any of those for the foreseeable future.
Which sucks because my partner bought me a full set of cake decorating equipment for my birthday in Dec 2019... And I haven't gotten to touch it since, really. I was kind of the go-to person for baking birthday cakes/hosting birthday parties before that and I love baking and decorating cakes.

I guess if I had a pan that big I'd just have to freeze the leftovers and eat them forever myself.
Unfortunately these days so many things that should not be political have become political or have been made to be political. I know I had to wonder the other day about my own posts concerning dead chicks in the mail and the delays that caused the deaths. Many of us get chicks in the mail and normally it would be a perfectly legitimate topic, but the reasons behind the current delays and deaths could be considered political, so some of us do stop to wonder what is/is not ok, which I think is reasonable.

Perhaps posts that are political party, election based, and politically charged could be a wider but better understood net?
We can't get away from general labels these days, nor the fact that to some those labels seem political even though they may not be intended to be that, but hopefully as a group can agree (largely) about what is considered political party and/or election based.

As someone who understand both sides (the mod side and the regular user side) I hope it's ok to put out suggestions or feedback. BYC is a very valuable place and you guys have done a wonderful job of keeping things mostly balanced and family friendly, even though it is like herding kittens. :D
Unfortunately these days so many things that should not be political have become political or have been made to be political. I know I had to wonder the other day about my own posts concerning dead chicks in the mail and the delays that caused the deaths. Many of us get chicks in the mail and normally it would be a perfectly legitimate topic, but the reasons behind the current delays and deaths could be considered political, so some of us do stop to wonder what is/is not ok, which I think is reasonable.

I had the same concern, on the same topic. Ultimately decided to flag the comment "This is Not a Political Post / I will not be monitoring" and linked to the most neutral news article I could find, then self-reported the comment in this thread.

There's another thread out there where the immediate political response from one of the posters is so factually inaccurate that its FB meme worthy - in fact, its an FB meme I've been correcting on friend's FB feeds which I suspect as the likely source of the misinformation. Not commenting to correct it took a small act of will. (Mostly, deciding I need afresh cup of coffee).

Some Users went ahead and commented anyways - it quickly veered into more political territory. Normally, I'd cheer on an informed, engaged electorate - but not here. BYC's porch, BYC's rules. My chickens don't care about my gender, politics, skin color, marital status, socio-economic status, faith, handedness, or any of the other labels which badly describe parts of me. So I try to leave them out of my posts, as irrelevant. As do, thankfully, most users. My chickens care about their labels even less. ;)
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