Announcement 2020 Update: Political and Politically Charged Content Not Allowed

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Hmm, filters 🤔
I seem to remember that those are things used to separate the useful from the not useful. Maybe those were left out of the instruction manual for a lot of humans. :p
I like to think I have one, it just clogs really quickly.
Same! I have one, I just haven’t cleaned the lint out of it in awhile.
The real story is what the discussion between moderators was like after the ‘new guy’ reported his own post!!!!
They might have been asking for a title change....
....or a deletion because they started 2 duplicate threads.
'Reporting' is not always about a punishable infraction.
What about avatars of a state flag, or of a person, or of a dog?

Edit: You said chicken only, so does that mean you can’t have any other poultry in your profile picture? And what do you mean by reading type avatars, I can’t have words in mine? What about all the ducks, or all the guinea fowl? I’m sorry if I’m coming off as rude, I’m just trying to make sense of what you said.
If you are attempting to cause strife
by picking and choosing my words of Avatar choices, I'm not going there. But what I will engage in, is stating nothing about any of those can be construde as offensive.
Personally, I don't mind if you love your State or Regional Flag or College Banner or whatever it is.
I think we need to be aware of the potential to offend perceptions regarding controversial issues.
I don't care if your extremely educated, worldly or a person that lives on the street.
We are One!
I was making a comment agreeing to a post of some Avatars that can be construded as offensive to ones personal ideals.
As far as "words", personally, I get tired of reading all the little quipsy quotes and sayings everywhere.
I find they are generic, and overly used in addition, they do not provide any credited works cited to the original person that wrote them.
Therefore, it's plagiarism.
That's all!
I won't shove my religion, or beliefs down anyone's throat by displaying an Avatar that could potentially offend people.
I don't care if an Avatar is a Kiwi as long as it's not offensive.
This forum is about raising Chickens. Learning from people with great knowledge, and collaborating with one another.
Personally, I am an advocate of our Second Amendment. The Right to bear arms.( oops! Initially typed 1st)
Having AR's, and AK's and arming oneself for personal protection.
But, because I know some people are not advocates of Guns, or some people have been Victims of Gun Violence, I won't post an Avatar with a semi automatic rifle on it. If I were a Pegan, I wouldn't post a Pegan Advatar because others may be offended.
I believe we, (me included) could stand to have a little more personal privacy and engage in self humility. I hope I was able to explain my statement because any further discussion on your inquiry is over.
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If you are attempting to cause strife
by picking and choosing my words of Avatar choices, I'm not going there. But what I will engage in, is stating nothing about any of those can be construde as offensive.
Personally, I don't mind if you love your State or Regional Flag or College Banner or whatever it is.
I think we need to be aware of others presceptions regarding controversial issues.
I don't care if your extremely educated, worldly or a person that lives on the street. We are One.
I was making a comment agreeing to a post of some Avatars can be construded as offensive to their personal ideals.
As far as "words", personally, I get tired of reading all the little quipsy quotes and sayings everywhere.
I find, they are generic, and overly used in addition,, they do not provide any credited works cited to the person that wrote them. That's all!
I won't shove my religion, or beliefs down anyone's throat by displaying an Avatar that could potentially offend people.
I don't care if an Avatar is a Kiwi.
Personally, I am an advocate of our First Amendment. The Right to bear arms. Having AR's, and AK's and arming oneself for personal protection.
But, because I know some people are not advocates of Guns, or some people have been Victims of Gun Violence, I won't post an Avatar with a semi automatic rifle on it. If I were a Pegan, I wouldn't post a Pegan Advatar because others may be offended.
I believe we, (me included) could stand to have a little more personal privacy and engage in self humility. I hope I was able to explain my statement because any further discussion on your inquiry is over.
Especily since this isn't a gun rights forum.
If you are attempting to cause strife
by picking and choosing my words of Avatar choices, I'm not going there. But what I will engage in, is stating nothing about any of those can be construde as offensive.
Personally, I don't mind if you love your State or Regional Flag or College Banner or whatever it is.
I think we need to be aware of the potential to offend perceptions regarding controversial issues.
I don't care if your extremely educated, worldly or a person that lives on the street.
We are One!
I was making a comment agreeing to a post of some Avatars that can be construded as offensive to ones personal ideals.
As far as "words", personally, I get tired of reading all the little quipsy quotes and sayings everywhere.
I find they are generic, and overly used in addition, they do not provide any credited works cited to the original person that wrote them.
Therefore, it's plagiarism.
That's all!
I won't shove my religion, or beliefs down anyone's throat by displaying an Avatar that could potentially offend people.
I don't care if an Avatar is a Kiwi as long as it's not offensive.
This forum is about raising Chickens. Learning from people with great knowledge, and collaborating with one another.
Personally, I am an advocate of our First Amendment. The Right to bear arms.
Having AR's, and AK's and arming oneself for personal protection.
But, because I know some people are not advocates of Guns, or some people have been Victims of Gun Violence, I won't post an Avatar with a semi automatic rifle on it. If I were a Pegan, I wouldn't post a Pegan Advatar because others may be offended.
I believe we, (me included) could stand to have a little more personal privacy and engage in self humility. I hope I was able to explain my statement because any further discussion on your inquiry is over.

First amendment protects your rights to free speech among other things.

Second is right to bear arms.

The second protects the first. Also, whoever wants to put whatever they want in their avatar should be able to. Simply put, being under someone else’s roof makes the first amendment null and void. You have the right, but not the ABILITY. They can disagree and not allow certain forms of expression to their will. Don’t like it??? They also have the right and ABILITY to remove you from the premises.

The owner of this house says no politics. That’s easy. If they wish to allow KKK, BLM, Antifa or whatever group they wish in avatars and freely discuss other controversial matters..... that is also their right. A person is not a tree, and this great country allows you to create and mold your own house to run as you see fit.
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