3 day old bully


13 Years
Mar 29, 2007
I just got 6 new 3 day old chicks yesterday. One is a Buff Cochin and is such a bully- she is charging all of my 2 week olds and getting a beak full of head feathers and just yanking with everything she's got. She is not doing this to any of the other 3 day olds. Is she just a bully working on pecking order? No one seems inclined to retaliate and I'm stumped as to whether I need to separate them, or allow it as 'normal' behavior. There has been no blood shed yet- she isn't pecking, just pulling 'hair'.
Any thoughts?
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Sounds like she needs a good talking to! You might want to seperate her from the rest.....just for a few days....to mix up the order....then try putting her back....with a little tap on her behind as a reminder to BEHAVE! LOL
LOL..chickie time out chair!

And yeah, Paris would be a good name...I was thinking Demon, or Brat...but Paris just about sums it up, huh?
We have a EE'r roo that was this way I call him Dr. Evil he was only 3 - 4 days old and picked on every one so we placed him in a box by his self with food and water for a week and when we put him back he was no longer the bully some of the other birds were bigger then him. But the down fall to this is he now has a Phobia of card board box's
he is now 13 weeks and freaks out if he see's you with a box
I just chuckel and go on about my work. He is the top roo but we have a barred rock hen that puts him in check
I had a day old Americauna, that would jump up and peck my nose and my hands every time I got near. I swear she was evil, but she grew up to be the sweetest hen.
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I had a mean chick- a few hours of solitary confinement (with food, water and ample warmth) made her stop. She is still a bit aggressive to this day, but she doesn't peck at the other birds or pull feathers. Just sometime bites... me... ouch.


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