5% 7 Garden dust on chickens for lice?


13 Years
Jan 24, 2007
I have a mayo jar with holes in the lid that I use as a shaker to dust chickens behinds when I see a louse, and I inspect pretty often. I had what I am pretty sure was Seven Garden dust in my jar, but am out. When I went to the Seven sack to refull my jar (we do use it on the garden, also) I read and I don't see a thing about animals or fowl. ?? Do any of you use Seven dust on your chickens? Or is there also a Seven for fowl, or what? I am pretty sure I used this before, but I don't think I would have used it without it saying it is ok on the sack, or someone recommending it here on BYC. Anyone use it with good results? Or what the heck did I have in my jar?? LOL
I use it on my chickens; turkeys; dogs and around my parrots as well as in the garden sometimes. It's actually 5% sevin dust btw.
On that note, what else do you guys use on your chickens/ducks to control parasites?

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