5 Weeks Old, Few Feathers GLW

I an glad that was helpful.
Just one thing, just because all chicks are eating the same food and no other chick has an issue does not necessarily mean there couldn't ne deficiency. All chicks needs are not identical and a lot depends on how the mother was kept/fed, etc... I had 15 chicks on the same food that went off a bit because I had made a bit too much and not refrigerated it until use. Only two chicks were affected by the slightly stale seed oils in the feed - both light brahmas and the only two light brahmas in the bunch. All the others were just fine. Thankfully the two recovered with some save-a-chick and pampering and a fresh batch of feed....

Now your little guy's issues might well be genetic, I have no idea, but I wouldn't automatically exclude the possibility of a deficiency.
I hope you'll find a good home for him!

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