6 Aussie puppys doing good, Bandit is now forsale!!

Okay, The puppies got their first shots and wormed again today. Good news Both double merle puppies have their vision. The vet didn't have the the means to test the hearing fully, but he seems to think both have some hearing. YAY! Oh and the DBL merle female does have a second eye, its just smaller and clear. He said that it should be fine to leave it alone. He also said to keep "Dixie" the mommy with them til at least 7 weeks. Heres a few new pic's. Also It looks like all have found homes. The two doubles, I've got people interested in them, just working out the plan of getting them, And my Husband has thrown a "hissy" and is keeping the Black tri male Bandit..LOL
I seemed to have missed getting a pic of the red Tri Female "Annie"



DBL Female~

DBL Male ~ "Henry"


Oh to be mommy..LOL

Bo and Annie are still my favorites, they are tooo cute!! Growing up my neigbors had a boy and a girl, the boy looked like bo and the girl looked like annie
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Ok, I'm going to be Debby-downer here but this thread has me truly upset. First of all, if you have two intact dogs in the house and the female goes into heat, unless you are not diligent on watching and making sure she is kept separate from the male I cannot understand how this could have been accidental. My sister has 6 aussies - 4 were the offspring of one breeding she had done yet she fell in love and kept all but 2 of the puppies. She never spayed or neutered her dogs, and that has been the ONLY pregnancy she had (and she has 4 females and two males!). Like I said, you must be very diligent in keeping the female away from the male.

Secondly, did I read correctly and you yourself tried to open the double merle female's eye? Why, oh why would you do that? If you had doubts or worries, why didn't you take her to the vet?

I wish for all the best for these puppies, especially the double-merled. It just amazes me how full rescues are because of accidental breedings. It amazes that people take a chance that the babies will be fine, or at least some of them.
Like I said before, This was accidental. The female staid in the house durring her heat, if we put her out to go to the bathroom, we put the male in, when she came back in he went out, so on and so forth. We thought she had went out actually and was letting the male back in but he slept out in the house and she slept locked up in my bedroom. She slipped out one night when I got up to go to the bathroom, and when I came out they we're locked together. I'm a firm believer of everything happens for a reason so I'm not kicking myself over this, Also theirs a few poeple here just on BYC that would be disapointed in not getting a chance to have these puppies in their lives.

I understand where your coming from thinking how irresponsible a dog owner I am, since you dont know all the facts or see how spoiled and well taken care of. Thanks for your concern.

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