6 Golden Cuckoo Marans Fertile Hatching eggs

I am willing to ship additonal eggs of any breed if I have them...

I am willing to pack using any method that the buyer requests as long as it seems reasonable that the eggs will get there with it.
These birds are huge and lay HUGE eggs.

I put some of the GCMarans girls (I got these from Melissa two years ago) under a FBCM roo I got from Melissa last year and the resultant pullets are GORGEOUS...I've got to put some pics on the marans thread... I can't wait till they start laying.
OOO Mahonri, I want to see pics!
I have 2 GCM girls I hatched from Melissas eggs a couple of years ago. They are totally sweet girls (Peaches and Cream). What do the FBCM/GCM chicks look like?
Maybe you have a thread already (so as not to hijack this one)

My eggs from Melissa arrived safe and all but 1 hatched. Awesome for shipped eggs.
I'd love to get some eggs. Will you be offering any closer to mid-end of May? We are in MI-WI and it is way to cold to be shipping eggs or brooding chicks until then.
I have two chicks that have grown up to be hens from Melissa and I love my girls, they have just started laying and the eggs. Thier eggs are darker than the rest of my girls eggs. Great lively and Beautiful!!!


Gumbo and Heatherbea
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They are so pretty! What a nice nest for them!! Mine aren't quite so upscale...althought their run and coop don't get wet in this nasty rainy weather!! They hang out a lot!

Yeayyyyyyyy!! I get more eggies!! Shoot me the total and inclued some salmon favs in there if you have some (inclued cost please??) Thanks!!

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