7 month old Silkie 'hen' started crowing? with pics

Yep, he's a boy. There is a lot of variation in crowing. Some crow seldom and early and others do it throughout the day. I am not able to keep roos due to city rules, but I've had a few straight runs so have ended up with a few roos over the years. I had one I thought I would keep as he started out crowing only a couple of times in the morning and I thought if I just kept them confined to the coop until he was done, I'd be okay. Unfortunately, as he grew into the role more and more, he crowed more and more. One Sunday he crowed ALL day long and we knew it was time for him to leave us.
I have a white silky I was told it was a roo. He is about the same age as yours...but haven't heard a crow out of him yet. My other two crow periodically throughout the day. I don't want to get my hopes up, but I'm hoping he may be a she!
he's a pretty roo, i have two girls and neither on of them have a comb and still haven't laid an egg for me but they are just now 7 months old
Drat! Ok well maybe I'd better plan to put the big new coop a little further down the hill then!

Thanks very much all.
My Silky, "Harriet", turned out to be "Harry" and oh my yes, he crows all the time now...and loudly. I have four roos, two Sultans, Harry, and a black Cochin frizzle, and Harry's voice soars above all of them. He crows in the morning, crows when somebody comes to the house, crows when he can't think of anything else to do, or when the girls won't come out of the coop, or when he just wants to tell everybody he's a big fluffy-butt roo!


Good luck with your roo - he's handsome.

deb g
My "straight run" order of 16 Silkies turned out to be 15 males and 1 female. And I suspect she'll crow any day now
I think hatchery's purposely do that. Throw all their males in the 'straight run' box.

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