7th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2016 Hatch-A-Long

I am setting eggs today!!!! I went and picked up 18 silkie eggs and I have 3 Serama eggs. I can't wait for New Years babies!! Last year my shipped eggs were a bust

I bet you will have a better hatch this year!
best of luck to you. My poor eggs may stay just that now.
Now I have the opposite problem of gonzo who has a working Bator and no eggs.
Did you save the link with parts that I posted? If not let me know and I will find it for you. I think it was a Sears site and they sold the parts.

@Sally Sunshinesorry to bother you again, but do you think it is the element, and do you know what I could get and where to replace it? Like building a coolerbator one?
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@ronott1 I have it, but a lot are unavailable or would take too long. I know they had wafers, but I am not sure about the heating element. Thanks
I checked and they wanted 54 dollars. I can buy a new one for close to that or a bunch of chicks;)
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@ronott1 I have it, but a lot are unavailable or would take too long. I know they had wafers, but I am not sure about the heating element. Thanks
You can use a volt ohm meter to check if power is getting to the element. If it is, then the element is bad.

One thing to do would be to verify that the connections are tight and that no wires are broken. They can sometimes break inside the insulation.
38 eggs going! I have had chickens for several years, but this is my very first attempt at hatching! Finished finalizing adjustments on my homemade incubator about 1am last night. Temp is set at 100 with a 1 degree differential, humidity is running about 45/50. I read through this site and used all the amazing information to guide me in the assembly of my incubator. I used 2" 2x4 Foam Boards from Homedepot, cut them on a table saw and used a hot glue gun to built the box. Purchased thermostat and auto turner off amazon along with a few other parts. I hope it works!!

Most of the eggs I collected are Americana's and Buff Brahmas, I have two coops, one with an Americana Rooster and Americana hens along with a few RIR, so the blue eggs I know are from my American Hens and American Rooster, and the Brown eggs are a mix from the RIR and my American Rooster. The Brahma rooster and hens I keep in an entirely different coop, because don't want to mix my Brahmas.

I labeled my eggs by date I collected (started 7 days prior to today)- Breed - and number collected. 5-B-1 is one a Brahma eggs collected on the 5th of December and 5-B-2 is the second Brahma egg collected on December 5th. I don't know if there is a typical way of labeling eggs, if there is, please share. I wanted to be able to document the hate rate and breed by collection date. Let the learning curve begin!


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