7th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2016 Hatch-A-Long

Congratulations everyone on all the New Year's babies!!

Yes, thank you. One of the internal pips is now an external and the last one had not internally pipped as of this morning but had by tonight. So it hasn't been 24 hours yet. But that's interesting about the egg tooth! Hopefully it will pip by morning!

Internal pip can take up to 24 hours. When they are internally pipped and loosing oxygen/gaining co2, it cause spasms in the neck that create the external pip. One time I had one that didn't externally pip after 24 hours, so I made a tiny hole and it did zip by itself quite a few hours later.
Hi everyone!! So far for this HAL, I have 5 of 7 hatched. 1 more pipped a few hours ago, but hasn't done much more. 1 has no activity at all, but was alive when I candled it at lockdown.

Congratulations to everyone on their successful hatches!! Especially those that are confident enough to help their chicks!

Happy New Year!!

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