7th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2016 Hatch-A-Long

They are extremely good parents. In Tennessee about 2 years ago a bill was being drafted to make it iillegal to own them because enough had escaped to the wild that they were/are being accused of crowding out native species of wild duck. They were being called an agressive species. There were large producers that were lobbying for exceptions to their meat raising operations and trying to convince them to just clamp down on small farmers and pet owners. I wrote imy congressman a letter explaining about them and pet level owners.

The reason that they are out competing the native ducks is this: Both Muscovy parents watch over the ducklings just like geese do. I used to work at the Metro Center in Nashville where they have large ponds with Canadian geese and mallards. The mallards never ever raised any ducklings to adulthood because the snapping turtles would sneak up on them swimming after mom (with dad no where to be found) and eat the babies. With the geese the dad always took rear guard and warned of the turtles so they were able to raise  50-75% to adulthood. It is not the Muscovies directly impacting the Mallards it is the snapping turtles. But the Muscovies do a better job of watching out for their babies so they survive. My congressman actually mailed me back a letter that wasn't a form letter and said that they would be giving it a lot more study before outlawing owning Muscovies. Haven't heard any more about it.

I remember this invasive species thing. They weren't going to let people own them because they would get out of their southern California, Texas, Mexico areas and wreak havoc on everything. Thought that was a little harsh given I've seen them on pastures all over our area. I did not pursue them partly due to that and there size.
Those tiny little Seramas can be quite loud..I was surprised! OEGB's are cute, and yes, I've heard their crow. I think the sound carrys. lol..
Yeah Some are really quiet.... some are loud!

Prize, I posted when you did..I did try them.

Hey, what happened with your hatch??
Well, I had two Develop and then they never hatched, A friend gave me a few chicks and they died, So no chicks for me. It was sad, But I have one egg from my hens and rooster in the incubator, Hope it hatches, it goes into lockdown tonight, then I am done until spring or summer
Any chicks prizepete hope so

Nope no chickies
He left after I asked.
I hope he got some.
I had to go work on a puzzle lol!
Yeah Some are really quiet.... some are loud!

Well, I had two Develop and then they never hatched, A friend gave me a few chicks and they died, So no chicks for me. It was sad, But I have one egg from my hens and rooster in the incubator, Hope it hatches, it goes into lockdown tonight, then I am done until spring or summer

Nope no chickies
I had to go work on a puzzle lol!

Here's hoping for the one. Sorry for rest. I've lost one Altsteirer rest seem to be doing well. My BCM is still going strong. As an egg layer I'm not impressed with them though.
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